A New Lead

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It had been four years since he last visited New York. Work had taken him all over the globe, but never the chance to return, which was just as well. He could walk past police officers without them looking at him twice, let alone trying to arrest him. The fact that he'd killed a girl didn't matter, they weren't on to him! This put Jimmy the Penguin in a celebratory mood. Flush with cash, his first visit was to the nearest cathouse. Needs must, and he could afford it this time. Having finally had his fill of whores, he went to find something to eat, and then to get thoroughly drunk. He found himself in talkative spirits after a while, to the point where he was singing rowdy drinking songs with other sailors. Eventually, he couldn't help himself, so he leaned over the bar and ordered a whole bottle of Scotch.

"What're we celebrating, huh?" said one of his new best friends, because he was at that stage of drunkenness.

"Getting away with murder!" replied Jimmy the Penguin, giving up an infectious guffaw, causing riotous laughter to break out.

"Oh yeah? And who've you killed, exactly?"

"Just some broad," he said and laughed. "Got separated from her friends, so I saw the opportunity and I took it. She was mighty fine, I tell ya, that young flesh fit right around me, if you know what I'm saying!"

They knew what he was saying, even if he hadn't stood up and done a few hip thrusts to illustrate the point. They laughed. They didn't care, it was all a raunchy story to them, the guy was clearly just bragging.

"Oh yeah, and then what happened? I thought you said you killed her?"

"Well, I didn't want her screaming for her Mommy!" Jimmy downed another swig of Scotch, laughing. "Had to do something about it!"

At a nearby table, another man was only pretending to laugh. Inside him, a cold rage was brewing, and it was growing stronger for every word the sailor uttered. The details sounded a little too familiar, but he had to know this wasn't just some guy making shit up, so he got up and moved closer, pretending to laugh along, as if it was all a big joke. He should have drawn his gun there and then, but he didn't. It wasn't a matter for him to settle, but he would help to see it settled.

"Whatcha do? Slice her up, huh? Throw her in the harbour for the fish to feed on?"

"No no no no," Jimmy slurred. "Nah. Strangled her. Got a bit too enfa...enfusiastic. Oops!" He giggled to himself.

"How did you get rid of her, then? If they never caught you?"

"I just left her in the alley, I wasn't gonna take her for a dance now, was I? I got her good, left her there by the rest of the trash, then went on my merry way. Shipped out a coupla hours later, ain't been back since."

"Oh yeah, how many years have you got away with it so far?"

"I dunno. Three, four? Something like that. Who cares, anyway? Not me, that's for sure!" Jimmy laughed again, the table laughed again, and the man got up. "The fuck you think you're going?"

"Can't a man take a piss in this joint?! Don't you fuckin' dare swipe my share while I'm gone, I got eyes out the back of my head, ya know!"

Everyone, including the man, laughed, and Jimmy waved him away.

"I think talkin' about that broad made him need to relieve some pressure!" was the last Alberto Rossi heard, before leaving. He ran into the nearest Mangano-held shipping office at the docks, telling them everything he had just heard.


Sixteen-year-old Frankie had been busy reading a book when the phone rang. His father answered, and after listening, he telephoned his brothers, calling for an emergency meeting. Minutes later, downstairs was full of activity. When Gustavo first spotted him, he was told to get back to his room, but there were so many people showing up that it wasn't hard to get lost in the crowd. He recognised some of the Family capos. Something serious was going down.

"There's a man at the Drunken Sailor, calling himself Jimmy the Penguin. He's bragging about having raped and murdered a girl, three or four years ago, and that he's got away with it. You know what this means."

Gus spotted Frankie in the crowd, but only saw him disappearing up the stairs, so he didn't mention it. He never saw his brother coming back down the stairs again, sleeves rolled up and armed with a baseball bat.


Benny was sitting in an upstairs window sneaking in a quick smoke in the hope his mother wouldn't notice. It was a nice summer's eve, he'd finished his chores early and was happy just sitting there relaxing for a bit before heading to bed. The unmistakable silhouette of Frankie appeared walking down the road, so he quickly extinguished the cigarette, hid it and ran down to meet him, ignoring his mother calling after him.

"Baseball practice? At this time a-night?" Benny's smile faded when he saw the look in his best friend's eyes. "Frankie? What's goin' on?"

"It's time, blood brother," he said. "I know where he is."


"The man who murdered my sister." Benny went noticeably pale, and Frankie was quick to add, "Look, you don't have to come, Benny, I can do it myself."

"No, no, uh, I want to," Benny replied. "If I can help, I will. Blood brothers, always."

The two headed toward the docks in silence.

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