Chapter 561 - 565

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Sweet Rustic Love: Four Brothers' Wife - Chapter 561

Chapter 561: Not Feeling Hot At All

When Liu Duo invited him to a nap, Ye Ling was quickly reminded of what they had done in bed yesterday, and a blush began to appear on his face.

As a man who had just experienced intimacy, he was naturally sensitive to anything that had to do with sleep.

Liu Duo took his hand and guided him to the bed. She sat down, and patted the empty space next to her with her other hand. "The bed's quite soft, Ling. Sleep for a while."

With that, she took off her shoes and dress.

Ye Ling sat by the bed, unmoving and unsure of what to say.

Having taken off her dress, Liu Duo was only wearing a dudou and short underwear. She lay down on the bed but, seeing that Ye Ling hadn't responded, sat up again and closed in on him.

"Ling, what are you thinking about?" She faced him. He looked like he was recalling something, so she asked out of curiosity.

He came to when he smelled her scent. Then he gave her a sideways glance and said, "No, nothing. Get some shut-eye, Duo Er."

Then, he bent over to take off his shoes.

She clearly saw him blushing red; how could he be thinking about nothing?

But since he didn't say and Liu Duo didn't really need to know, she just smiled and let it slide. She lay back down and pulled the thin blanket over her stomach, not wanting to catch a cold.

Ye Ling heaved a sigh of relief when she finally lay down. He blamed himself for being dirty-minded and thinking about sexual stuff.

How shameful!

After he took his shoes off, he lay down next to Liu Duo without taking off his shirt. He didn't take naps so he didn't want to take it off. He was wearing the modified underwear inside and didn't want to be seen.

There wasn't much light at night. They couldn't see much. But it was very bright in broad daylight, so if Liu Duo were to see what he was wearing, he would be very embarrassed.

Liu Duo didn't say anything, seeing him like this. She just smiled and closed her eyes.

Ye Ling felt more relieved after she did that. Lightly, he turned over to lie on his side and admire her face, which by then was a picture of bliss.

Having an ice wall in the room was like having an air-conditioner. Liu Duo slept soundly, not feeling hot at all.

She took a longer nap than usual.

"Duo Er, wake up." Ye Ling sat by the bed, looking at her.

She heard his voice and slowly opened her eyes. "Hmm, Ling, did I sleep too long?"

"No, not very long."

In his eyes, it didn't matter if she slept a while longer.

Ye Ling fetched her clothes to help her get dressed. He was a little shy but he willed himself.

So, Liu Duo got up and stretched, allowing him to serve her. She felt a sense of bliss, like she was being treated like a princess.

When that was done, Liu Duo noticed a basin and a towel close by. She grinned cheekily. "Ling, you're so kind!"

Then she went to wash her face.

"Brother Ming sent his staff over," Ye Ling said truthfully.

He didn't know where to get a basin or fetch water. This wasn't their house.

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