More than Proximity

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"I'm not drunk."

"I told you I'm not drunk."

"I don't get drunk."

I guess, I have been repeating the same thoughts for the past thirty minutes as some random friend is driving me to home. My world is spinning around. Everything seems blurry and unstable. Ugh! I hate this feeling. I cannot even explain what is going on with my stomach.

I think...

I think I'm going to...

"Ann! That is gross!" my friend retorted after I messed up her car.

"Sorry!" I replied as I wiped the corner of my lips.

Then, I puked again.

"Oh! Why do you drink a lot when you cannot handle it?" she asked me.

"I can handle it. I am in the most perfect condition," I bragged.

I may be drunk, but I am aware of everything. In no time, I can get used to drinking a lot. Then, I would not have to throw up anymore.

"Haist! I don't know! You are really crazy," she remarked, sounding really irritated.


After a couple of minutes, we finally arrived home. I opened the door of the car and tried to stand up. But I failed. I lost balance.

"Ann!" I heard she shouted as she immediately ran towards me.

Then yes, everything blacked out.


I was still in a deep sleep when I heard my alarm clock making its annoying sound again.

"Argh! You stupid alarm clock!" I threw it.

Finally, it stopped. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard a knock on my door.

"Ann?" It is mom and she is going to ask me to wake up, now.

"Ann? Breakfast is ready! You're father is here."

Crap! Dad is here? I am so dead. I immediately got up from the bed that I even fell on the floor since I moved too fast. There was a loud thud heard from the floor.

"Are you alright, honey?" she asked.

My head hurts. My world is still spinning around. Hang over never felt good.

"Ann?" she called me again.

"Yes, mom!" I answered as I stood up and started changing my clothes.

"Coming..." I added with the most innocent voice I could make.


After changing, I slowly went downstairs. I am shaking. Dad must not know what happened last night. I slowly went near him. The broadsheet newspaper is covering his face. I have no idea what mood he has today.

"Good Morning, dad!" I greeted.

He put the newspaper down. He looked at me, from head to toe. He must be examining my condition.

"Look at yourself. You look like hell. You must be totally wasted last night that you even messed up your Aunt Nina's car."

It was Aunt Nina? I thought the girl was my friend!

"Aunt Nina? How come?" I am still confused.

"It is her bar. Have you forgotten?" he raised his eyebrows.

I cursed in my head. I am the stupidest. It is Aunt Nina's pub. I should not have drunk a lot and got myself wasted.

"Sorry dad," I tried to turn his anger into a smile.

"It will not happen again," I added as I sat on his lap.

"Don't get mad at me. Please?" I begged with my sweetest smile.

All the while, I thought that my acts were working.


"That is really not going to happen again," he said.

"Yup," I smiled.

"Because you are going to your Uncle Andy's place," he declared.

It made me stand up and object.

"Uncle Andy's place? I am going to his place? Never!" I refused.

I saw dad raise his eyebrows. He is really serious.

"But, dad?" I am trying my very best to convince him now.

He is not reacting.

"Sorry, dad," I apologized.

"I'm sending you off to your uncle's!" he raised his voice this time.


"It is final." I could not contest anymore.


"Be a good girl," mom advised.

"Yes. Be a good girl or you can never come back here."

Daddy must be really upset with me that he wanted me to stay with Uncle Andy. Geez. I do not even think his place will suit all of my things!

I have not seen him for a while now. Ever since we migrated from Taiwan, he started traveling all around the world. He never got married. All he did was travel, until he discovered Baguio. I do not know what is up with that place. But ever since he went there, he never left the place.

I wonder how he looks like now. Will he still look like dad? He must have a fresher aura because he does not have any children who will give him headaches. Haha! The thought is making me laugh. I have never seen dad's face frown like that. He is hilarious.

But no, this is not something to laugh about. Damn. It is sinking in just right now! I am spending my whole summer vacation with my uncle! Away from my friends!

No! This can't be!


"Ann!" I heard a deep voice, calling my name as I stepped down from the bus. It is Uncle Andy.

He excitedly crossed the street. A huge smile is painted on his face.

"How have you been, Ann? Long time no see! You are really pretty," he hugged me.

I battled my eyelashes. He does not even wear signature clothes. He is too simple. What does he do with his money?

"I am tired. Where is the car?" I coldly replied as I moved his arms off me.

"Oh here! It's coming!" he joyfully yelled.

"Uncle, stop it! People are staring," I commanded.

"Ooops, sorry," he bit his lips.

I do not know if I am annoyed or entertained. He seemed overjoyed by my arrival. We are not even close. But never mind, it is nothing important.

A van stopped. An American- looking guy opened the door and got out from the van. "You must be Ann!" he exclaimed.

I admit. He has a nice pair of eyes. But how is this American guy related to uncle? There are a lot of foreigners here, huh!

"Who are you?" I sarcastically asked.

"I am Bret. Uncle Andy's second son," the smile is not leaving his face.

"Uncle Andy's second son?" I am confused. Uncle Andy did not even marry.


"Come on, let's go. Let's go home. Bret, get her things. Go. Let's go home," Uncle Andy interrupted me.

Bret got my things and put them inside the van.

"Careful. That is expensive," I instructed him.

When I got inside, a Korean guy greeted me.

"Hi! I'm Lyan!" he comically introduced himself. One look, I can already tell that he is a comedian. His face, accent and everything seem laughable. Haha! I think I'm going enjoy this.

Err. No. This is the coldest hell.

"Hi." I do not really have an interest in making friends with them.

"It's actually Ryan," Bret corrected his name.

I nodded.



After a few minutes of drive, we finally reached Uncle's humble home. It is a 2- storey house built in an elevated part of the place. The trees that surround the area give a refreshing ambience. The cold whether is perfect. It just feels like when I am in Taiwan.

But no. I am not going to love this place. This is not where I belong.

"Here you go. Welcome to our haven!" Uncle Andy blissfully welcomed me.

Bret took my things while Uncle escorted me to the house.

"We'll be having our lunch, now. Jenny must have finished cooking."

Who is Jenny? Aah! I do not know even one of the people here!

"Hi Uncle!" another Korean girl greeted. Our eyes met, and she suddenly looked more than happy. She put the bowl of soup she was holding down before she walked towards me.

"Hi Ann! Wow! You are really pretty!" she looked very amazed.

"Who are they, Uncle? I am getting really confused here," I could not help it but ask. Bret and Ryan just came in.

"I told you I am his second son," Bret butted in.

"And I'm the eldest," Ryan continued.

"And I'm Jenny! The fourth!" she made a cute face.

"You are fourth? Who is the third one then?"

"Wait," uncle said.

Where is-?"

"Sorry I am late!" I heard a very manly voice from my back. Upon turning around, I saw guy of average height. He is wearing a cap which he eventually took off. He fixed his hair as he acknowledged me with a nod.

"Oh right, and my third son, James," Uncle said.

"How come you have children when-" I was not able to finish my sentence again as he cut me off.

"We will talk about it as we eat lunch, Ann," he gestured his hand, giving me the seat beside his.

The circular table fits six people. It was just exact for all of us.

"You must be tired. It was four- hour trip going here from Manila, right?" Jenny asked me.

"Yeah," now I am trying to return the good welcome she gave with a smile.

"Oh. Taste this. This is my specialty. You have to taste this," she and Uncle Andy keep on giving me food.

Suddenly, the plate I am using is full of different viands. Definitely, this will ruin my diet.

"Oh, thanks but I am on a diet," I politely stopped them.

"But you must be hungry. You have to eat everything," Uncle argued sweetly.

Argh! How am I supposed to eat all of these? Never mind. I won't finish this.

I looked in front of me and saw James. He is rubbing his hands together, warming himself.

"For a while, I need my cardigan. It's too cold," he excused himself from the table.

"It's here, James!" Jenny handed him his black cardigan. Bret, on the other hand, played with his hair.

"You still are not used to the whether here, kid," he said.

"Stop it," James tapped his hand.

Our eyes met and he looked shy. This James must be their baby.

"I still do not get it, Uncle. How did these guys become your children? I know we have not seen each other for seven years now, but I did not remember you getting married with any woman," I asked him.

He laughed. I could not do anything but give him a confused look instead.

"They are really my children," he insisted.

"With whom? Where are their mothers? I am pretty sure these people have different mothers."

He laughed harder.

"Uncle!" I am getting pissed. He is such a tease.

"Well yeah. They certainly have different mothers. But to tell you, I am not their biological father, too."

Yeah. I figured it out too.

"They are my adopted children."

Adopted children? Are you even kidding?

"You know I loved traveling. I met them as I traveled all around the world," he genuinely smiled at the. I saw them nod at him.

"Oh! You visited orphanages as you traveled?" I sarcastically asked.

Then I heard all of them cleared their throats.

"Oops, did not mean to be mean," I chuckled.

I am definitely not giving them a good impression. But I do not care. I can never be friends with these people.


"Funny but true. Yes I did. I loved kids. So I picked them, legalized all their papers, and brought them here in Baguio."

This old man surely has nothing to do with his money.

"Well, that's weird."

"Maybe. But it is fun. These kids never failed me. Not even once," he bragged.

"Because we love you so much, Uncle Dad," Ryan cried out.

I wanted to burst out into laughter. That was the gayest thing ever. Uncle dad? Sheez.

"Right," I remarked with a sardonic smile.


After lunch, Jenny took me to her room. "There are only three rooms here. I used to stay here alone. But I guess we have to share now. The bed is of king size, anyway. I assume you can manage sleeping next to me," she said, now in a cold tone.

How come she was very accommodating earlier but is very different now?

Right. I must have offended her during lunch.

"I already have fixed my things. You can put your clothes here," she opened the door of a medium- sized built- in cabinet.

"Okay," I gave her a smile.

This time, she did not reply but left me instead.

"Fine. As if I care," I mumbled the moment she went out of the room.

Sigh. This place seem nice but why do I feel annoyed? I miss Manila. This is not where I am supposed to be.

It is going to be one boring summer. I wish I could just hibernate.


Later that day, I roamed around the place. I saw Bret planting something. "What is that?" I curiously asked.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Uncle Dad just asked me to plant this," he scratched his head.

"Uncle Dad. Sounds good, huh?" I commented.

"Yep. He's really one cool guy."

I left him after wards. I continued roaming around the yard. I was about to reach the waist- level gate when I saw James, coming. He is riding on a bike, along with Ryan.

He must be happy. There is a huge smile on his face, as well as Ryan's.

"Bret! Look! I sold everything!" he joyfully shared to Bret his good news.

"Me too!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Yeah right. I sold your crafts, Ryan!" James argued.

Bret just laughed. He must be having a good time with his brothers.


"What am I supposed to do here, Uncle? This place is getting me bored," I shrieked as I walked my feet heavily.

"Enjoy the place. Isn't Baguio beautiful? Our location here is perfect. Tomorrow, when you wake up, you would appreciate the view even more," he smiled.

"Are there clubs here?" I asked.

"Yes there are. But you are not allowed to go there. Your dad instructed me and I have to follow."

I pouted. This is really disappointing. This is the worst punishment I could ever get.

"Okay. You can go to the clubs as long as you have any of the four with you."

"Those kids?"

"They are still all older than you, Ann."

"And they are my kids," he emphasized on the word my.

I rolled my eyes and made a face.

"They surely do not know how to party."

"They do. But they know how to put it in place," he opposed me.

"You have to change, Ann. Else you can no longer return to Manila," he teased.

"I'm going back, no matter what. I'm never going to like it here, Uncle. This is not where I belong," I stated right before I left him and headed to my room.

"We will see, Ann. We will see," I heard him chuckle.


I was dialing Karen's number but there was no answer. Sarah, no answer. Via, no answer. Julia's number was the twentieth I have called, but still, there was no answer.

Right. I almost forgot. I have no friends. I have no real friends.

"Ann, dinner is leady (ready)," I heard a voice. It is Ryan for sure. His perplexity with R and L is really funny.


I went outside and headed to the kitchen, the same place as the dining area. I saw there is, again, a bunch of food served.

"I'm telling you, I am on a diet," I immediately said.

They all laughed.

And what is funny? I raised my left eyebrow, signaling how confused I am with their reactions.

"We are guys. We eat a lot, Ann. And this Sinigang?" Bret started.

"I'm telling you, James can finish this whole bowl," Jenny finished what Bret was about to say, imitating my intonation and expression.

James and Bret must have seen her eyes.

"Jenny!" the two exclaimed in unison.

"What?" her glare is a bit scary.

"It's not like she's going to die if I mimic her right?"

Yeah. So this girl must be a bitch, too.

"Jenny," Uncle Andy entered.

Got it! Uncle Andy can surely make her behave. The three boys laughed at her.

"What are you guys laughing at?" she retorted.

They all did not answer her, funny.

The dinner was fun for them, but not for me. For the longest time, I never enjoyed a dinner. Eating with mom and dad is plain boring. If not about academics, they would just lecture me about going out with my friends.

Tonight is different. There were lots of stories shared. I cannot relate, but they certainly have a strong bond.

No. I don't care. I won't ever care.


"You want to try this cream, Jenny?" I asked her, offering my whitening cream.

"No thanks," she is fixing her pillows, not looking in my eyes.

Fine. She doesn't want to talk to me.

"Whatever," I murmured.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," I forced a smile.

"Leave the lamp lights on, okay?" she instructed.

What? I cannot sleep with lights on!


"This used to be my room, remember?" She emphasized on the word my.

But I am Uncle Andy's niece!

"Fine," I replied with a forced tone.

Okay, Ann. You have to be patient. Daddy will not allow you to go home for sure if you kill this annoying girl. For now, cover your eyes with a blindfold. Yes. It will help you sleep well.


Urgh! I cannot sleep! I still can see and feel that the lights are on!

I took off the blind fold and saw Jenny. It looks like she is sleeping soundly already so I turned off the lamp beside her.

I was about to go back to the other side of the bed when...

"I said leave the lamp lights on."

She is still awake? This girl is very commandant. I hate her!

Geez! She is definitely getting on my nerves. But yeah, I have to leave the lights on.

After going back, I just covered my head with the pillow. I do not know if how many minutes of sleep did I get to have. But my eyes definitely feel heavy after waking up the next day.


"Aaaah!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"My eyes! My eyes!" I kept on shouting.

"What about it?" Jenny rose up from the bed.

"Look! My eyes!" I am going hysterical now.

"Eh? What about it? You still have your eyes!" Jenny looks like she wants to slap me already.

"Can't you see? Eye bags!" I yelled at her.

She laughed sarcastically.

"It's your entire fault!" I blamed her.

She looked shocked.

"Me?" Now, she's pretending that she doesn't know. This girl really knows how to play games with me.

"Yes! Because you did not want to turn off the lamp lights! I was not able to get enough sleep!" I am arguing for real.

"Whatever," she slammed the door.

"That girl! Uncle!" I followed her outside.

"Uncle! Jenny! Look what she did to my eyes!" I cried after seeing Uncle on the kitchen table, drinking a cup of coffee.

"What did she do?" he looked confused.

"She did not let me sleep! Look at my eyes!"

He examined it like an eye doctor. Then he stopped, he is definitely holding his laughter.

But he couldn't help it. He laughed, so loud.

"Uncle!" I can't believe it. He laughed too, as well as the other monkeys.

"Brat," Jenny took a sip of her orange juice.

"I hate it here! I'm going back to Manila!" I declared.

"You can't. The bus drivers are aware. They know you," he teased.

Now I am more than annoyed. This is terrible!

"Aah!" I stamped my feet and went back to my room. I heard everyone laughing.

What is so funny about me? I hate them!


I am lying on my bed, reading some fashion magazines when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I replied with still, an annoyed voice. Then I saw James with a tray of food.

"Uncle Dad said you should eat," he put it beside the lamp. He was about to leave when I called him.


He turned back.

"I'm not going to eat."

He formed a small smile.

"This is our house, Ann. You are the one who should adjust. Not Jenny, not us," he politely said as he closed the door.

"This is our house, Ann. You are the one who should adjust. Not Jenny, not us," I mimicked.

I thought he is different. But I can see he is not.

Aren't these guys the brats? Not me!


Later that day, about six o'clock, I heard a guitar playing. I went out of the room and saw the guys having a good time. Bret is playing the guitar while Uncle Andy is singing an unfamiliar song.

He is good ah! A Chinese- man, singing in a Filipino native language, that is quite impressive.

Ryan is clapping his hands by beat. I think he is trying to get the rhythm. But he failed. It made the song sounds awful.

James, on the other hand, is near the fireplace. This guy always feels cold, hilarious.

"Stop it Ryan, you're ruining the song," James tapped his shoulder, asking him to stop.

I smiled. They look cute.

"Dinner is served!" It was Jenny. I turned around and our eyes met. She rolled hers that is why I rolled mine, too.

"Don't we have anything else to do here aside from eating?" I asked Uncle Andy.

"Well you can go with Bret and me tomorrow at the farm!" Ryan offered.

"A farm?"

"Yes. The strawberry farm. They work there on Wednesdays," Uncle dad confirmed.

"Why do you guys have so many works?"

"It's summer. People here don't just bum around," Jenny explained but she is not looking at me.

"Not talking to you," I commented.

"Ann!" Uncle called. His brows met.

"Sorry," I immediately apologized.


The next day, Bret and Ryan let me join them in the farm. I wore a floral summer dress that I covered with a thick cardigan. It is extra cold today but the sun seemed so active that I had to wear a hat and a shades.

"You look lily (really) pretty today, Ann," Ryan praised.

"Thank you, Ryan," I smiled. Finally, I heard something nice from these people.

Among them all, I think Ryan is the friendliest. Or the only one friendly, I guess.

After about fifteen minutes of drive, we finally reached the farm. It is beautiful. So green.

But yeah, I pretended like I did not like the place.

"It's not really nice here. Can I just go back home?" I asked after a thirty- minute stay.

"Huh? No one's going to fetch you. Uncle Dad and Jenny are out, too," Bret explained.

"How about James? He's just at home, isn't he?"

Bret and Ryan looked at each other.

"Sorry, but he is still not allowed to drive. Minor," Bret said.

Err. How am I supposed to go back home, then?

Aha! He does know how to bike!

"He can fetch me with his bike," I suggested.

They could not do anything than call James to pick me up.


"He's here!" Ryan exclaimed upon seeing James coming near.

"Finally," I commented.

James scratched his head.

"Hop in," he instructed me to sit at the passenger seat at his back.

"Careful, ah! Call us when you get home," Bret said.

"Alright. We're leaving," James replied to him.

"Put your hands on my waist," he asked me. I did. This ride would be exciting than the farm experience for sure.

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