.Ch 4.

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"People never judge what anyone did to provoke you, but then they judge you when you react." I mumbled a sad tone overtaking my voice. It wasn't like anyone could hear that anyway.

I need to do my best to use my ability as little as possible cmon I can't become consumed by it.... I can't please. I squeezed my eyes shut in thought.

"We can go tomorrow right after school." Remi beamed.

"Yeah sure..." I said hesitant. Isen looked at me narrowing his eyes to see if I was lying. I shrugged. Isen and Remi walked out of the room leaving me with Blyke.

"Hey Blyke. Can you do me a favor?" Nervously I looked over to him.

"Yeah? It depends what."  Blyke responded.

"Well could you let me know where Elaine is or call her and tell her I need to see her?" I asked.

"Sure. I guess?" Blyke answered confused picking up his phone and dialing Elaines number.

"Hey Elaine. John wants to see you for some reason could you come to our dorm." Blyke asked over the phone.

"Uhhh yeah??" Elaine hesitated.

"Fine I'm on my way." She sighed. Blyke said a quick thanks and hung up.

"She's coming." Blyke announced. I nodded. Blyke looked at me curiously, his expression questioning me. I just shrugged and looked away.

We stood there for a couple minutes and I heard knocks on the door.

"It's open!" Blyke hollered. Elaine walked in and I tensed up a bit. This was going to be a tad awkward wasn't it..

"Hi." Elaine said standing by the door.

"Hi, Uhm I was wondering if you could heal this for me.... Don't tell anyone." I spoke slowly. Elaine nodded. I took my bloody hands out of my pockets and looked up to see her reaction. Elaines eyes widened at the sight of the broken hands but she said nothing. Blyke narrowed his gaze onto my hands. I looked away as Elaine healed them. It took a couple of minutes and I mumbled a brief "Thanks." As she walked out

"John?" Blyke asked.

"Yeah?.." I respond calmly.

"I don't know if this is too invasive but I'd like to know why you started using your ability all the sudden um nobody told me." Blyke asked avoiding the topic.

"Oh. As in why I started in the first place." I let out a bitter laugh and I could see panic in Blykes eyes. I chose to ignore it.

"I'm not gonna say it's all Arlos fault. But that Bi- you know what lemme just start from the beginning. Long story short. I tried to be friends with him when Sera was suspended. He asked if I wanted to run an errand with him I said sure! Well guess what we arrive at turf wars. Turns out it's an ambush. They wanted me to take my place or what not and they beat me. Arlo told me that Seraphinas suspension was planned so he could get to me..... I snapped and beat him up. He kept pushing me and I budged. I knew what was coming..." I sighed.

Blyke took in the information i told him and nodded.

"There is more to the story that I may tell you eventually..." I vaguely added.

"Okay." He replied.

"Well I'm going to head to sleep. Good Night John." Blyke yawned.

"Night." I answered. Alas, I fell asleep for without nightmares plaguing my sleep. It had been a while since the last time I slept peacefully. The darkness welcomed me until I heard a faint beeping in the distance. I jolted up and the beep of my alarm got louder. Tiredly I made my way out of bed and fixed everything up. It seems I woke up a bit late because Blyke was already up.

A twinge of guilt hit me. I promised Remi  Id help her be a superhero. But I don't want to hurt them.... I know they are idiots for ignoring the problem going on in the school. But even garbage can change it can be repurposed and made into something new. I shouldn't be such a fucking hypocrite. Heh why do I always have a stick up my ass I'm such a bitch.

I don't know why do you??

Fuck, I wonder why? (Sarcasm)

"Good morning John." Blyke said calmly.

"Morning," i responded. The sunlight lit up the room making its way through the window.

-time skip to uh being in school- Today was chocolate cake day. I quickly made my way over to the cafeteria and snatched my rightful cake.

And boy was that cake good.
Although I missed Sera there was no way I was going to put her in danger by being with her. Per the usual I headed over to the roof top and sat there looking at the sky. I ate spoonfuls of cake while looking at the sky above me.

Why is everything so fucked up. I'm scared of being alone because then I have nothing to hold on to. But if I let people in I'll probably lose this battle going on in my head and hurt them... shit.

Conflicted I looked down at my hands. I need help- no I can't I'm not weak-

This is too much... I'm king I don't need to go to class. And so i stayed on the roof blankly staring at the horizon thoughts coming and going as they pleased. I felt myself slowly calm down while watching two little birds flying. A small smile crossed my face as I continued to watch the sky.

I heard my phone ding and looked down at it.

"Huh?" A small whisper escaped my throat.

Remi texted me. 'hey! John see you later today thanks for agreeing to help.'

I cringed at the text... If I lash out that would hurt them more than it would help. Right? The peacefulness managed to keep me somewhat calm. I felt myself relax onto the wall and fell asleep.

The ringing of the school bell pierced my ears. I yawned. Hmm... Oh right I have to go see Remi.

Calmly I got up and arrived to Remi in a matter of minutes.

"Hey John!" She grinned clearly glad I actually showed.

"Hey." A small awkward smile crossed my face.

"We're going to go to Isens dorm he'll explain to us what we'll be going up against." Remi explained. I nodded complying. Following Remi I stayed quiet.

We walked into the dorm and Isen waved at me.

"Hey." I responded.

"Well. Me and Blyke will help you guys out but today we'll be going up against this high tier. He can reflect any sort of projectile so you'll need to use hand in hand combat." Isen explained occasionally looking at me making sure I understood. I nodded softly.

"So what's this guys level?" I asked.

"6.5 and we don't really know who'll intervene." Blyke interrupted.

"Ok. Bet, so do we need anything..." John shrugged.

"I don't know just like hide who you are. And uh stay alert." Blyke answered.

"I thought you should know what he looks like so here." Isen turned the computer around and my face dropped.


"Why does he look so much like...."


I rambled my head spinning. What's happening how is this.... what?...

To be continued hehehehe
I hope you are liking the chapters so far! If you see any mistakes or are confused feel free to let me know and I'll clear it up.

-annie :)

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