2| Broken

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Andy's POV

What has gone wrong? Why doesn't Rye love me anymore? Why doesn't he want to be with me anymore? Why did he abandon me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I too ugly? For the umpteenth time, today tears are streaming down my cheeks. I feel alone, abandoned and nothing or no one can comfort me, only Rye. He alone can comfort me, he is the person I love so much, for who I would go through the fire, who I would protect with my life, but apparently, he doesn't feel the same for me. And what if Rye comes with someone new, I can't handle that. I can't see him happy, not without me. I want to make him happy, I want to be with him. I want to feel his warmth, I want to lie in his arms...

It is dark in the room and everyone is asleep, that is when all thoughts go through my head. I sit with my knees raised in my bed, tears streaming down my cheeks, but I try to limit the sobbing so that I don't wake anybody. Also, the thoughts about the hate are going through my mind. The hate the fans give me. I think they want me out of the band. Maybe I'd better leave too, then Rye and my life can go on, without each other. no, I can't live without him. I have to try to get him back, but he doesn't want me anymore...

I cannot take it any more. I can't be here. I... I want to get drunk. I don't want to know what I've done or done anymore. I want to forget everything. And the perfect thing is that there's a café near here where there's a party. I quickly dress myself and grab my coat. I sneak out of the flat hoping not to wake anyone.

When I'm finally outside I quickly walk downstairs to the café. My feet move so fast that I can barely follow. I just want to get drunk as soon as possible, forget everything as soon as possible.

I arrive at the café and stop in front of the building. I take a deep breath and walk inside. It's very busy, so I have to wriggle through the crowd. Eventually, I manage to get to the bar. "Can I have a beer please?" I ask the bar lady. She smiles kindly and gives me a beer. I empty it in a sip and immediately order a new one.

"Heeeeyyy, give me another beer" I say to the bar lady, a little tipsy. "I think you've had enough, never mind saskia" says an unknown voice behind me. "Who are you?" I ask with a dirty face "leave me alone and sakse or saski, well give me that beer" I say. "What's the problem, heartbreak?" says the stranger. "Why you care, I don't know you and you don't know me, so leave me alone" I say irritated. The bar lady gives me my beer, but before I can grab it, the stranger already has it and drinks it in a sip. "hey! That was mine!" I shout angry. "I am Max and you have already drunk enough" he says when he has completely emptied the glass. what is he thinking, just drink my glass and then dare to say that I drink too much "well max, I can choose how much I drink and my next beer will be on your cost" I say angry. "Ok, Saskia two beers, at my cost" he says and puts himself down beside me. "What are you up to?" I ask. "Isn't that clear, we're going to get drunk together" he says with a grin. "Alright then" I say a bit nonchalantly. The beers are ready and we raise our glasses. "so what's the name of this beauty if I may ask" says Max. I'm starting to blush "Andy, I'm not beautiful at all and that's probably why my boyfriend broke up with me" I say sadly. "Ha, I can't believe that. Have you taken a good look at yourself, you look like an angel fallen from heaven. That boyfriend of yours is very stupid to drop someone so handsome" he says. "You're lying," I say. "I'm not lying. You're beautiful, those deep blue eyes, those blond brown locks, that perfect body, that..." I can feel my cheeks burning, I must look like a tomato, as I blush "yes, yes all right, you're making me blush" I stop him.

We chatted all night and because we were so busy chatting we didn't even drink anything. The two same beers as max had ordered first were still almost full on the bar. Everyone was almost gone by now. what time would it be? I start looking for my phone. "shit" I say. "What's wrong?" Max asks. "Could you tell me what time it is, I forgot my phone?". "Sure" he says and takes his mobile out of his pocket "uh... it's almost 7 o'clock" he says. "what 7 o'clock? I have to go, my roommates are going to be worried, thank you for a nice evening" I say and get up "but..." he is trying to say, but I am already gone.

I walk out of the café and walk towards the flat. "Wait!" I hear shouting behind me. I turn around and it's Max coming towards me. "here, in case you want to meet again" he says while he puts a note in my hands. He kisses me on the cheek and leaves. I can't help but laugh. I look at the piece of paper and his number and name are on it. I smile at the piece of paper. This is the first time I feel good after the split with Rye.

As I walk home the memory of last night keeps haunting my head and I keep laughing. What a great evening, what a great guy. Wait. No, I can't... am I in love? Could I be happy without Rye? Would I find love again? Isn't there someone who still loves me? I almost start to dance out of joy.

After a few minutes, I arrive at the flat and when I open the door I immediately feel two arms around me. It is Brook that cuddles me. He cuddles me as if we haven't seen each other for years.

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