babysitting | osferth x reader (1)

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You had been travelling with Uhtred and his men for around a year now. You felt they were more of a family than simply a ragtag band of warriors or even friends, and were positive they all felt the same. Until the addition of yourself, Osferth had been the youngest of the group. Because you were closest in age, you felt closest to him, though the other two men, Finan and Sihtric, were like older brothers to you. You could not have found a happier place to be anywhere else.

Now that Uhtred was reunited with his two children, Young Uhtred and Stiorra, they accompanied the group, along with a young woman named Eadith who you suspected Finan was growing feelings for. Aelfwynn, the daughter of Lady Aethelflaed, and Aethelstan, the bastard son of King Edward, also joined them. As such, you all felt a responsibility to care for the two, neither of whom were over the age of ten. You knew that both Aelfwynn and Aethelstan were niece and nephew to Osferth, which perhaps explained his care of them being slightly more than just an obligation.

You had been travelling for a few days now, and it had been Osferth's suggestion to stop and rest for a while, as the children were growing exhausted. Aelfwynn in particular had weakened, and it was clear that she would only get worse if they didn't stop. So you did, and Osferth quickly took over Aelfwynn's care.

You were sitting next to Finan, who was playing games with Aethelstan on the bank of a stream, when your gaze drifted across and opposite the water. You watched Osferth sit down next to Aelfwynn and pass her his water skin, the fond smile on his face bringing one to your own face too.

"If you need anything, just tell me, alright?" you heard him tell his niece gently.

"Thank you, Osferth," Aelfwynn smiled, handing the water back and promptly preoccupying herself with the stones around her.

You decided you would join them and stood up, ruffling Aethelstan's hair as you did so. Neither he nor Finan really noticed, now engrossed in blowing a little boat fashioned from leaves and twigs down the stream. You carefully made her way down and around to the other side, before sitting down next to Osferth. "She's lovely, isn't she?" you said.

Osferth smiled.

"Yeah," he said. "It's nice, having children around. I never knew Finan could be so gentle."

You laughed. "I think that was a surprise for all of us," you said, "although I figured you would be a natural with them. I always forget you're their uncle."

"Well, it's nice to finally be able to care for them," he smiled rather wistfully. "It makes me think what it would be like to have children of my own some day." As he said it, he looked across at you without meaning to, and blushed.

"I think about that too, sometimes," you admitted, watching the tiny waves of the stream wash over each other. You were unaware of Osferth's eyes on her, though you had him in mind as you spoke. "I wouldn't mind a son or a daughter of my own, to be honest. Or both, if I was lucky." You smiled a little at the idea of it.

"Me neither," said Osferth, and you finally turned to look at him. Your eyes met for only a moment or two before you both looked away, your cheeks burning. "Although I don't really know when-"

At that point, he was interrupted by Aelfwynn tugging on his sleeve. "I'm tired," she told him, and she certainly looked like it. Osferth scooped his little niece up into his arms, and she rested her head on his chest; within minutes she was fast asleep, and the sight warmed your heart.

"She's snoring again," Osferth smiled, "but she never believes me when I tell her that she does. She tells me I'm making it all up every time."

You laughed. "Well, she's defending her honour, isn't she?" you joked, and he chuckled. "She'll be as great a lady as her mother one day, I know it."

"And I hope I'll be there to see it," Osferth said, "maybe with some children of my own." He looked down at the little girl in his arms as he spoke. It was clear he cared deeply for Aelfwynn, especially to yourself as you watched him hold her gently. You had known you'd liked him for a while now, but seeing him caring for Aelfwynn like she was his own was incredibly sweet, and you smiled as you thought about what it would be like when he did have his own children.

"You will be, I'm sure," you said, and he met her gaze with a smile, the same smile you had grown to love.

"What about you?" he asked softly, and you blushed.

"I'd love to," you answered quietly.

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