baby fever | osferth x reader (2)

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You were staying at your home with Eadith, waiting for the men to return from battle, both of you as anxious as each other to see them home safely. You had insisted on accompanying them at first, arguing that Eadith had been allowed to come if she wished, but both Eadith and Osferth had refused. You were ill, too ill to join them, so Eadith had decided to stay and care for you instead.

"Are you sure?" Eadith asked on the day after the men had left for battle, her eyes widening. "You're pregnant?"

"It all points to that," you said, your hands twisting nervously. "Morning sickness, and I haven't... bled... for a long while."

"Yours is regular?"

"Always has been."

"You have seemed rather exhausted lately," Eadith commented. "Well, this is wonderful, Y/N! Wait until Osferth gets back to hear this!" She was surprised to see that your face was not the picture of happiness she had expected at this news. "Why, what's wrong?"

"What if he doesn't come back?" you said suddenly, your smile fading as you remembered the danger he and his friends were in.

"Don't say that," Eadith started fiercely, squeezing your hand tighter, "don't-"

"I know," you said quickly, "I'm sorry, I just- I wasn't thinking. Oh, Eadith, maybe I should have told him before he left!"

Eadith stared at you. "You mean you knew before they all left? Why didn't you tell him?"

"I told you," you said, "it's just- well, I didn't want to worry him before he left, so that's why I let him believe I was just ill. Besides," you sighed, "I'm not sure I'm ready to be a good mother, is all. Look, I know I've said that I want children but I'm scared, Eadith! What if I'm not good enough to raise a child? I can't tell anyone, least of all him! What if he feels he isn't ready, either? I don't want him to worry, and besides, it could ruin what we have already-"

"Y/N, calm down," Eadith said, taking your hands. "I promise, nothing will go wrong. I know you well enough to know that you'll be an amazing mother when the time comes. Besides, if anything I'll be surprised if he isn't overjoyed at the thought of it. You remember how he was with Aelfwynn, haven't you?"

You smiled at the memory. You'd been sitting beside him while he cared for the girl like she was his own child - Eadith had a point there. You remembered then how he had told you of his wish to have children of his own someday, months before he had admitted he loved you. "I do."

"Then I think you should tell him when he gets back," Eadith smiled, squeezing your hand. "There's nothing to be afraid of, I promise."

You took a deep breath and nodded. "I will."


The next to find out was Eahlswith, who was overjoyed to hear the news. She hugged you tightly while her son, named Sihtric after his father, stood next to her, watching you both curiously.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" he asked.

"I don't know yet," you admitted, but gave him a smile. "I'll let you know when I find out."

Young Sihtric pondered this. "Good," he said finally, making you and Eahlswith laugh.

As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself feeling sick with anticipation, both to see Osferth home safe again but also at the prospect of telling him you were going to have his child. You were growing more anxious by the moment, and it didn't go unnoticed by either Eahlswith or Eadith.

Both of them were doing everything to distract both you and themselves, which usually meant spending time at your home with young Sihtric in tow. The boy was more than happy to spend time with you, curious as he was about your pregnancy, and you did your best to answer all his questions. One afternoon, he was particularly inquisitive.

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