Chapter 2

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Y/N ran home as fast as she could and placed the package down on the counter. She turned around and placed her elbows on the counter and stared at the ceiling with a smile.
"Daewi, huh?" She thought to herself.
She was happy that her lost memories came back to her. And it seemed as if she had remembered an old friend of hers. She turned back around and started washing the dishes, her mind going over the memories that were unlocked half an hour ago.
The little girl sat on the bench in a park, knees pressed into her chest and balled fists rubbing her eyes. Her body shook with each sob that escaped from her mouth. Y/N had lost her dad on their way home in a huge crowd and now she was scared beyond words. At the sound of footsteps approaching her, she moved her hands away from her red, puffy eyes. Her hopes of seeing her dad in front of her were crushed when her eyes locked with her school bully's eyes. The boy stood in front of Y/N and his lackeys were standing right beside him, snickering at the poor girl in front of them.
"What's wrong, little Y/N? Lost your daddy?" He sneered and taunted in her face. Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes once again. The bully started laughing and his lackeys joined him. Once he was finished laughing, the boy pulled Y/N closer to him by grabbing the collar of her shirt. His whole demeanor changed from teasing to threatening within split seconds. This frightened Y/N even more. He raised his arm backward and balled his fist. Y/N's eyes grew in surprise, knowing what was coming next. She saw the hand approaching her face so she turned her head away and shut her eyes tight, clenching her jaws. After a few seconds of waiting like that, the punch never came. Y/N slowly opened her eyes and saw a hand in front of her face, holding the bully's fist. A soft surprised gasp left Y/N's mouth as the bully let go of her collar.
"What's wrong with you? Cant you see I'm busy with her?" The bully snarled at the mysterious boy. The boy let go of the bully's fist and turned to Y/N. He reached out his hand to her and Y/N took his hand. The boy helped her up, ignoring the bully and his lackeys. Frustrated, the bully and lackeys threw themselves on the boy. Y/N watched as the boy smoothly turned around and punched the bully on the face. However, the lackeys managed to punch the boy on the face and arms. Y/N stood there helplessly, watching the boy fight for her. He was getting beaten up, but at the same time, he was beating the bully and his little squad. After a few minutes, the boy stood victorious and Y/N ran up to him and hugged him. The boy hissed in pain and Y/N immediately let go. The boy took her hand and started walking.
"Where do you live?" He asked out of nowhere. This startled Y/N a bit but she replied with the wanted answer. The boy guided her to her house. After walking for three minutes in silence, the boy broke the silence.
"Hey, little girl, what's your name?"
Y/N flared up from being called little.
"I'm not little. And my names Y/N." She looked at him in silence afterward.
"..." Her curiousity was getting the better of her so she finally asked.
"What's your name?"
The boy turned to look at her. He smiled brightly at her.
"My name? Well, my name's Daewi Han."
Y/N's face lit up in fascination. Daewi could hear her breathe in with an admiration in her voice.
"That's such a cool name, Daewi!!"
He turned away and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, blushing.
"Really? Thanks."
They soon reached her house and the lights were on in the house. Daewi turned around and was about to wave goodbye when Y/N pulled his arm and dragged him into her house.
"Dad!!! I'm home!!!"
A pair of feet practically flew to the door. A tall man with green hair picked up Y/N and hugged her tightly. He scolded her for not returning home earlier and not to scare him like that. Y/N told him her side of the story and the man looked down at Daewi after Y/N finished.
"So you're the guy who saved my little girl. Come here, I'll treat your wounds." Y/N skipped over to the couch and sat down, patting the space beside her for Daewi to sit down. He reluctantly sat down and Q came back with a first aid kit and knelt beside Daewi.
"You can hold my hand if it hurts, Daewi." Y/N said with a cheery tone and Daewi smiled slightly. Q put a cotton ball in the antiseptic and careful squeezed out the extra. Daewi shook his head.
"No, thank you, Y/N. A real man doesnt fear pain.-" Q chuckled at Daewi's remark and pressed the saturated cotton ball against one of Daewi's cuts at the end of his sentence. Daewi hissed in pain and almost whimpered. Y/N took Daewi's hand and squeezed it gently and Q continued working. Once Q was done, he asked Daewi for a phone number he could call and tell his guardian where Daewi was. While Q was on the phone, Y/N took this opportunity to take Daewi into her room that was filled with plastic weapons. They played together for a few minutes before Q called both of them to get into the car.
~car ride timeskip~
Q pulled up to a house and there was a young teenager standing there. She hit Daewi and scolded him the minute he stepped out of the car. Y/N grabbed the girl by the arm sleeve and looked at her with the most innocent eyes she could muster.
"He saved me from getting bullied today. Please dont hit him."
The girl lowered Daewi and sighed, defeated. She thanked Q for bringing her brother back home safely and patted Y/N's head before saying her goodbyes. Q got back into the car with Y/N and they drove back home.
"I'm home!!!"
The sudden slam of the door broke Y/N's trance and she accidentally dropped the plate she was holding. The plate shattered upon impact with the floor. This startled both Y/N and Q. Q rushed into the kitchen and Y/N was already sweeping up the plate shards.
"You okay, Y/N?"
She looked at her father, smiling.
"Yes, Dad, I'm fine. I was just deep in thought when you announced that you were home and it startled me and I accidentally dropped the plate. Sorry, Dad."
Q shook his head, relieved.
"Its fine, Y/N. As long as you're fine, the plate doesn't matter to me."
He hugged her and she hugged back. The two of them made dinner that night and sat down to watch a new movie that had came out. Y/N wouldnt change the world because she was happy with just the way everything was.

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