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A forest made up of thousands of dark and twisty trees. To some who ventured into these woods, the trees were so terrifying and looked so much like evil people and monsters that it was too much. Some fled moments after walking in and some never came out. 

Right in the center, at the base of a very large oak tree, two people slept. One was a very large and muscular man. The other, a small, frail, little girl of about 11. The sight would have been funny, if not for their surroundings. The girl was snuggled up so close to the large man and she clung to him almost as if he were the last thing she had, the only thing that mattered to her. 

He had an protective arm draped over her slight form. The girls name is Ciri and the man's name is Geralt. She stirred in her sleep, whimpering from the terrors that held her hostage in her dreams. 

"Help" she cried weekly. Geralts head popped up immediately, as if he hadn't been sleeping. 

"What is it Ciri, what is the problem" He said, his voice deep and gravelly. 

"He wont leave me alone, he haunts my dreams every time I sleep and I can't get him out of my head" 

Geralt doesn't ask who, just says "Nothing will happen to you. Not while I am alive" and with that he pulls her even closer to him and stares into her frightened green eyes, which are huge and full of terror. He stares at her until she believes him, willing her to feel safe. "Sleep now, no more dreams will haunt you tonight" 

He holds her close but doesn't sleep again that night. Geralt stares into the dark forest, vines creep slowly up the trees suffocating them and taking what little sunlight comes through in the daytime for themselves. Mist curls at the base of the trees forming clawed hands reaching for him and Ciri. 

He pulls his sword closer to him and releases Ciri from his grasp. Sitting up against the tree, he ponders what they might do next, him and Ciri. Now that he was with her and knew that she was safe he didn't know what to do. 

Ciri isn't Geralts daughter but they are linked together by many things. Destiny, friendship, devotion, even love. Yes, he loved Ciri, and he would do anything, kill anyone in the world to protect her. 

The road to find Ciri had been difficult, treacherous and long but people linked by destiny will always find each other. Vissena had told him this, and now he knew she was right. 

The next morning Ciri awakes to find an empty spot where Geralt was last night. "Geralt!"she whisper yells, "Geralt, where are you" Where is he? Had been attacked, what if he had been taken! What would she do then? No, she told herself, Geralt was too good of a fighter to be taken. But if they had sneaked up on him. 

The man from her nightmare last night flashes through her mind. Was it the black knight that took Geralt. Oh what would she do without him. How would she survive this forest. She had to find him!

"Ciri, I'm right behind you." a rough, low voice says. "I've been here the whole time" He says with a smirk. 

"Oh" she mumbles to herself and runs into his arms. "Geralt what would I do if something happened to you?"

"Nothing is happening to me now, and nothing ever will" She hugs him tighter." Come, we need to get water. We have a long road ahead of us" 

"Where are we going?" she asks, but he doesn't answer, just keeps walking forward. Geralt was like that, if he didn't want to talk he didn't, if he didn't want to answer a question he didn't. She just rolls her eyes and walks up beside him. 

They get their water and climb onto their horses. Ciri's legs are so short to they kind of stick out the side of the horse, not reaching the stirrups. The forest changes so much in the light of day. Little bits of sunlight reach the ground, lighting up the small flowers and tiny animals that scatter the forest floor. 

Spiders spin their webs in between trees, birds fly above the treetops that reach their branches hundreds of feet in the air. Squirrels gather things here and there, stuffing them in their mouths and moving on to the next object that catches their eye. But monsters still lurk in the shadows preying on the things stupid enough to be in the sunlight. Monsters Ciri can't see but knows are there. Monsters of all shapes and sizes waiting for something to eat, possibly them. 

Ciri wasn't scared though, as long as she had Geralt to protect her she knew she would be all right. He would protect her at any cost. At times she missed her grandmother but she knew that the lioness of Cintra had wanted her to be with Geralt in the end. After all they were linked by destiny. 

AN--this is kind of my own take on the first scene in the 3rd book, before the two go to kaer morhen and meet triss. I hope you guys liked it. Im not sure what I will do next they will either go into town and meet triss or meet renfri. 

Geralt and Ciri one shotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara