Chapter 2- The Addictive Cycle

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At one point in my life , I didn't believe God was really for me because i often questioned my self about why He would allow bad things happen to me. I couldn't understand how a great majestic God that can turn around a situation would allow pain and hurt to come my way. I stopped believing that He cared and really wanted the best for me, so i gave up and found my own way in dealing with all the hurt.

From then on i began to cut my self, having sex, using drugs and drinking my problems away or so i thought. I knew these things were not pleasing to God but I had already felt like a outcast, like He didn't love me even though He created me so I disconnected from God, that left a huge hole in my heart, and voids that I found impossible to fill. this disconnection from God only made life harder but I was so certain that I could get through on my own. Leaning on these ways to cope left me feeling like i was just surviving and not living my best life, They only left temporary satisfaction. This went on for years and I got addicted to this cycle of survival, accepting that only bad things will happen to me and that nothing good would come out of my life. Through it all, God was always by my side even when I felt like He wasn't there.

I am sorry it took me years of all this hurt, pain and disappointment to see that my life could get no where good without God's help but I am also grateful for all the trials and tribulations I had to endure because now I am able to use it to minister and help others. We don't always understand in the moment what God is doing in and through us but i have learned in even in moments of uncertainty, we can trust in a certain God.

No matter what may happen in life, whether good or bad, keep your trust in God
~ Sarah Christina ~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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