In The Beginning

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I had it all planned out, and I was sure it was gonna work out, because I had an idea of what I wanted my life to look like. I wanted to be young and in love with my high school sweetheart and raise babies and open up my bakery, even put a timeline to it and i was so certain that this will happen for me that i didn't really believe anything anybody said about how my life would go not even God and I thought that because I go to church and I am saved and I participate on church activities that everything else would come for me because I thought I was doing His will, little did I know that God is not a do-for-do type of God, He just wanted me to fully commit to Him and allow Him to lead me through life and I found that so hard to do so I pulled away from Him a bit and that then started a cycle.

In the beginning I didn't see it as something wrong because I was going after what I wanted and I felt like that was good. I have always longed for a romantic love so I looked for it and it only put me in a worse place than I was before, it was the start of an addictive cycle and it only took me further away from what I wanted in life because of instead of walking down the path of not knowing and just having to trust God I tried to make my own road which only led me to a ditch and even being in the ditch i still tried to do it all in my own strength, God always sent someone to help me get out but I always ended back in the ditch and usually a deeper one that before but again God sent someone each and every time to help me out.

God Is Faithful To Us Even We Are Not To Him
~Sarah Christina~

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