Switching Places

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Matthias' POV

I've always been jealous of those guys in the movies who find love so easily, and it seems like the perfect girl just comes to them and immediately falls in love with them. It's almost like a fairy tale. A piece of fiction.

Somehow, though, I've always been extremely jealous of those fictitious relationships, even to the point that I get angry. Now, admittedly, I've always been extremely susceptable to getting deeply emotionally involved in a good story (I refuse to watch Pixar movies with any other person in the room) and sometimes that drives me insane, because it just seems like a really stupid thing to invest my time and thoughts in, not to mention that it ruins all expectations of a relationship. It even got to the point that I promised myself that I would never get involved in a relationship because I thought that my expectations would be too high and that it was a recipe for disaster.

But promises are meant to be broken, right?

Okay, yes, I admit that the entire point of a promise is not to be broken, but stick with me, because that's not the premise here.

What I'm trying to say is that sometimes naive decisions that we make a period of time ago aren't always...good decisions. You feel me?

Of course you do.

I broke that promise I made the stupidest decision of my life. That is-telling Eira that I would drive her to the next closest pet store. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea. I had barely even known her for ten minutes when I told her that I would give up my own personal resources to help her out. Yeah...I am a serious idiot.

Well, maybe not as much as I had initially thought, because that stupid decision earned me a friend and a girlfriend, and some serious street cred (Who am I kidding? I am not cool. At all.). Of course, Eira isn't exactly the 'perfect' movie girlfriend. But I personally don't believe you can expect perfection out of anyone. Especially close friends.

She does have some issues though that I would love to help her with, but I feel as though that would result in a lot more bruises than I'm willing to sacrifice myself for right now.

For example: Eira obviously has some borderline anxiety issues. She doesn't like big crowds, she has a hard time speaking to people without getting flustered or frustrated, and she has this tendency to over think things to the point that it may or may not be unhealthy.

Or what about how quick she is to insult people or turn down new ideas. Sometimes she just needs a little extra push to get her to do things.

There's nothing wrong with that though, and if I chose to focus solely on the negative parts of her personality I would never be able to even talk to her, which is probably a bigger issue than just noticing them. If we only ever focus on the negative parts then we would never get anything done at all, and that's just pointless, isn't it?

Now, Eira isn't the only one who has flaws. I too, yes I know it's hard to believe, have some major flaws. I have this really horrible tendency of thinking too deeply on on a subject (pretty much exactly what I'm doing right now). I also have a little bit of a temper on me, as was obvious with the whole 'group date' incident. I am obsessive to the point that it's probably unacceptable in most situations. I have a severe case of OMD (Obsessive Media Disorder), I take sarcasm a little too far, etc.

But once again, we can't focus on all of the bad. I really am a wonderful person (even though you can't really tell sometimes) and you just have to take the good with the bad. It's the exact same way with friends and relationships. It's okay to notice the bad as long as you don't let your perception devour all the good parts.

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