Meeting Again..

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Once I've realized I was a vampire. I wanted Damon. But he was busy with Katherine. Like he forgot all about me. Then I remembered that I was pregnant... I lost my baby.

So that made me turn it all off.... No more feelings.

2011; Mystic Falls:

I smirked when I saw Stefan at the school. See I've turned my emotions back on but can't remember anything about it. Why would I want to tho?

I watched as Stefan met up with Elena -she who looks like Katherine only not dead or bitchy.- I smiled at the fact that neither Salvatore has figured out I'm in town. I've managed to stay out of their way for years. But I've always managed to stay close. So yes, I do know what Katherine did to them. And yes. I do know that Damon thought Katherine was in the tomb. He was depressed for a while about losing me... But I think he was only upset because he didn't have Katherine.

I drove away from the school and went to the Grill. I know Damon will be there, but that's where it gets fun!

I walked in and just as I thought, Damon was talking to Alaric. The vampire/history teacher. Interesting combination if you ask me. But I see where it fits also.
I sat close, but not to close. I guess it really doesn't matter where I sit because I can hear them no matter what.

"Abigal was a huge part of my life." Was the first thing I heard Damon say. Which made me even more determined to listen in. Of course after ordering my scotch. "Abigal who?" Alaric asked. Huh? So Damon hasn't mentioned me.. Why am I not surprised by that. "Abigal Salvatore. Formally know as Abigal Montenegro." I watched as Damon took a drink. "What do you mean Salvatore?" "She was his wife." Stefan spoke out of no where. God why wasn't I watching? Oh right! Because Damon was talking about me.


"Whoa Whoa Whoa.. Wife?" Alaric asked, nearly chocking on his drink as Damon just kept quiet and drank, Stefan and Elena standing next to them. "She up and vanished after Katherine came." Stefan continued, Damon trying get to ignore them. While Damon took a slow drink from his bourbon, he heard a voice that sounded oddly familiar.


"Would you like a refill?" The bartender asked, looking bored. "Kind, but no thanks. I think I'm good." I answered, placing money on the counter. I heard movement on my right, which just so happened to be where Damon was 3 seats away. I turned to look and see the man I love and hate. Damon. "Abigal?"


Short I know but I promise to update soon. I know I've been lacking but I'll be sure to update soon!! Thank you so much for the comments! Please vote and comment if you like it! (please not hate!)

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