Chapter 5

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Aleem POV

I decided to got to the garage to start my invention named "Vita". I didn't want to wake up my little sister so I will start it alone. This one if it ends of working, then surely the famous inventors and scientist will want me. But I can't leave her so when she gets married or finds the right person for her life, then I will accept it. I'm not much for love life, I am asexual after all. Not really into having kids, but my sister, oh she wants to have children sense she was a child. It was so funny, she was like 8 or something.

I arrive at the garage, better get the material and tools I need to build this machine. I get the blueprints out, "Yeah "Vita" surely will be incredible" I say to myself. So I spent hours there in the garage. Some were to get the tools. Others to get the materials, and the other were to starg building the machine. When I think it is enough, I decide it's time to leave. I go outside and see it's very dark outside. I walk to the place we are staying in, and go to sleep.

~Time Skip~


I got up early in the morning, atleast befoe the alarm clock wake me up. I felt like I wanted to have muffins for breakfast. I get up, take a shower, and put on a F/C short-sleeve shirt with "Baker Girl" in purple, and it has muffins, and cookies in the background. The some grey sweatpants, don't think I will do much today. I go down and see that Springtrap is not in the kitchen. Guess I am up pretty early, well atleast I can make muffins for everyone.

I get the ingredients for my special chocolate muffins, that right I will be making chocolate muffins. Then I hear heavy footsteps, I guess Springtrap came. "Your up earlier then before little bunny" I stop what I was doing and turned slowly to look at him with a shooked face. Then he seems to process what he said and says "Sorry I didn't mean to" and blushes a little. You chuckle akwardly and blush a little "It's okay Springs you can call me that if you want."

"Okay little bunny what are you doing anyways" he asked you. "Oh I was about to make muffins for us to eat" I said to him. "Oh may I help please, I mean if you want me to" he smiled akwardly. "Of course you can help Springs, it will make thing much more easier" you smiled at him, he smiles back. "So what do I need to do" he asked. I explain to him what he need to do and we had fun making the muffins. At the end the muffins came out great, even Uncle Nick liked them.

Nick went to work after eating our muffins we made. "He little sis I think you have some chocolate on your cheek" said Aleem. I started rubbing the wrong cheek and asked "Did I get it of now?" My brother started laughing "Nope you didn't hahahaha." I keep rubbing the wrong cheek and Aleem keeps on laughing. Then I felt something cold on my other cheek, my brother laugh stopped instantly. My eyes turned and saw Springtraps mouth on my cheek, was that a kiss, or a attempt to take the chocolate off.

Either way I felt weird, why was he doing it? I felt a warm feeling to all over me, I actually liked it, what was this feeling? Then Springtrap backed away blushing, I also was blushing a dark red. I look at my brother and he had a very shooked or suprised face, his mouth was wide open as well as his eyes. Then his face turned into a smirk, then he mouth 'I ship, also I will tell Deliah and maybe Uncle Nick'. Then he runs away, I look at Springtrap. "I am so sorry it's just you couldn't take it off" he said flustered I laughed at him.

"It's okay Springs I will let this one slide okay" I said to him. "Okay my little bunny" he said I blushed. Then a very excited Deliah came running down the stairs and jump into my arms. I hold her up then she says "The ship has sailed" Springtrap and me blush at her. Then Aleem same down stairs too with a big smile. I narrow my eyes at him "Don't you dare tell Uncle Nick, it was just a small kiss" I then put Deliah down. Deliah and Aleem look at eachother and say at the same time "We won't atleast not yet" and they laugh.

My Purple Lover (Springtrap/??? x F!Reader) Springtrap and Deliah *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now