Christmas at the Malfoy's

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   After Halloween, a lot of things seemed to suddenly begin happening. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had become the best of friends and were now inseparable ever since the troll incident. They were always stuck at the hip but honestly, that didn't annoy Draco as much as what happened after that.

The day before the Slytherin vs Gryffindor quidditch match Draco found out who the new Gryffindor Seeker was, none other than Harry Potter. The moment Draco found out that Harry had made the team, he was an absolute mess for about a week. He had dreamt of having that glory of being the only first-year to make the house team in a century. Draco refused to attend the match, but regardless of how upset Draco was, Blaise ended up dragging him there anyways.

The match itself was brilliant, but Slytherin should have won. Draco spent the whole game eyeing Terrance Higgs who played seeker. Terrance was alright, Draco definitely thought he would have done a better job himself though.

Everything was going great until all of a sudden Potter seemed to lose control over his broom. Draco had quickly looked over at Blaise and Theo to see if they were the ones causing this, but they were too busy trying to hide William Ratman from Snape. Theo insisted on bringing the rat to " share the joy of the wizarding world" which Draco once again had no interest in questioning. Draco turned towards Pansy to see if she knew of anything, but she was already shaking his arm trying to get his attention.

"Draco, look," Pansy whispered, she was pointing at one of the walkways leading to the teacher stands. Draco glanced over to see Hermione sneaking under the seats of the teachers, who were too involved in the game to take notice.

"What is she doing?" Draco whispered back as they both watched Hermione pull out her wand. All of a sudden the end of Snape's robes caught on fire and as he jumped to put it out, Harry suddenly gained control over his broom.

It all seemed to happen so quickly, Harry had ended up catching the snitch and just like that the game was over. The Slytherin common room was quiet that night. Terrance had made it his job to fling every book off the shelves and Marcus came to dormitories later that night to tell Draco he was to pick them all up in the morning.

Nothing else interesting happened after the match. They finished all their classes and just like that, it was time to leave for Christmas. Draco had been quite skeptical of going back home for the holiday, but Pansy and Blaise encouraged him. Blaise and Theo would be staying at Hogwarts and Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle were going home.

They had spent all week packing, so when the day came to leave they were ready. They put on their robes as well as the Slytherin scarf that had appeared on their bed the following morning and took off towards the Great Hall. The corridors were filled with students hugging and saying their goodbyes before they all headed towards the train station in Hogsmeade. As they approached the entrance hall Pansy excused herself and walked over to a group of Slytherin girls Draco had never met before and frankly has never seen.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all stood by one of the stone knights waiting to be escorted away. Draco couldn't help but be nervous, in a couple of hours he would be back home with his father. He couldn't help but wonder what his father was going to say or do. Yet as much as he was nervous, he was equally excited. He missed his mother and was very excited to see her and tell her all about school.

While Draco continued to be lost in thought, Hagrid walked up to all the kids and motioned for them to follow him out of the entry hall. The walk to the station was quiet but beautiful. The snow was slowly falling and the distant cries of owl's echoed in the night sky. Pansy had managed to catch back up with them just before they reached the train.

"Have a Happy Christmas!" Hagrid bellowed as he gave a toothy grin and waved goodbye to all the students. Draco rolled his eyes and quickly darted into the train to get Hagrid out of his line of sight. 

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