2- Changeling

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(Description/summary: An "altered tale", a fairy tale/folktale/myth where things do not go the way they did originally. Based on https://magic-and-moonlit-wings.tumblr.com/post/158028097645/rescue-and-adoption, a story by magic-and-moonlit-wings.)

Surely you have heard a similar tale before, of the mother who went to the crossroads by the light of the moon, pulling a wagon and carrying her changeling babe, to demand the return of her own child.

By the light of the moon she went to the crossroads, and she called out that the Faeries had stolen a thing from her, and that she demanded to see the King of the Faeries about the matter. And then, in the moment of an eyeblink, the grove she stood beside was full of faeries, some flying, some in trees, some standing, and all were very, very beautiful, but some were very, very strange. The King was the most beautiful, looking far too young to be the ancient creature he was, with black and golden hair long and wild on his head, and pale skin, and endlessly deep black eyes. "You claim that Faeries have taken a thing from you, but we never take without giving fair recompense. Are you calling us dishonorable?"

"Whether you considered what you left me fair recompense or not, you never asked me if I wanted to make the trade," the mother said, and presented the changeling child. "You left this child in the crib my husband and I built for our babe, the one I carried in my body and birthed from my loins, and never did you ask me if I would take this one in trade for the one I spent blood on to bring to the world. You made the trade without asking me if this was fair recompense, or if I was willing to trade at all." Then she laid the changeling in its swaddling down in the wagon, and stared a challenge at the King.

The King scowled, for the mother knew the laws. Faeries are bound to trade fairly. They will cheat if they can and take what they can and they will lie and cast glamours to make an item of trade look to be of more worth than it is, but when summoned by one they have tried to cheat, one who knows their laws, they must make things right. "Very well, child of Eve, we will return to you your babe."

A bassinette was brought forward with a sleeping babe within. The mother removed from under her skirts a small bag, and in the bag was a small bottle, and in the small bottle there was a tincture of silver. She uncorked the small bottle and tipped it back into her eye, in front of the Faerie Court, so they would all see that she would not be fooled by glamours. Then she looked upon the bassinette with the untouched eye closed. "Yes. I see clearly, this is my child." She lifted the bassinette and placed it in the wagon. "You have returned what you took unfairly, so I will take my leave now," she said, because you cannot thank Faeries. They consider it very rude.

"Wait," the King said. Now he was glaring. "Do you think we deserve no fair recompense? Return to us what we paid you."

The mother raised her eyebrows. "Paid me? You paid me nothing, for I made no trade. You gave me no recompense, for I never agreed to sell my child. Instead you gifted me a babe, without conditions, on the night you stole my own. Now both of them are my children."

Storm clouds gathered over the grove as the Faeries chattered to each other about the insolence of the human woman. "You cannot have it both ways! Either the child we gave you was fair recompense in trade for your babe, or you want your child back and are bound to return ours!"

The mother's eyes were very hard. "You threw your child away. You left your babe to a human woman, knowing that humans sometimes burn changelings with iron to tell if they are human or not, knowing that humans have burnt and drowned changeling children. You did not ask my permission, so you made no trade at all. You stole from me at the same time as you discarded something you considered worthless. If you throw your trash in my yard, it is mine. It's not payment for stealing my hen's eggs or my apples to give me trash you care nought for, without my permission or acquiescence to the trade."

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