1 - The Chicken Story

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(Description/summary: Magical realism, humor. No chickens were harmed in the making of this story. Everything in this story is true, even the lies. In fact, especially the lies.)

Yes, I live in the city and I have chickens, no thanks to city legislature. You'd think that cities would be more supportive of having chickens; they kill rats and they produce eggs, what's not to like? Well, okay, chicken poop isn't all that pleasant and they destroy all the plants in their run, but unlike, say, cat or dog poop, chicken poop is useful as fertilizer. The city's somewhat tolerant of hens, but they're appallingly sexist toward roosters; I mean, yes, the poor guys are loud, but so are dogs and I don't see anyone banning dog ownership within city limits. Roosters protect their flock from predators and they can serve as watch animals. They don't actually crow to tell you it's dawn, though, that's a myth. Mostly they crow to tell you "Goddamn, yo, check me out, I'm a rooster." Or something like that. If roosters could talk they would absolutely perform hip-hop.

Anyway, I have a funny story about those chickens, and roosters, and my son, who's a ninja. No, I'm not making this up, it's his superpower. He could be standing right there and I could be looking for him and I wouldn't see him. He's not invisible, he's just... very good at going unnoticed. That was really helpful when we were trying to get our second house.

Oh, yeah, so this place is actually two halves of a duplex, and originally, we owned just one. Then the neighbor overextended himself bricking up all the yards back there. You see the street back there? All the yards behind my house are made of concrete now. Rudest thing you ever saw, because they didn't put in drainage, so all those yards that used to be soil and dirt ended up flooding, directly into my garage. I had my car floating in it, out to the street. I mean, it was raining pretty heavy and all the cars down at the bottom of the hill were also floating, but I'm halfway up the hill so you wouldn't expect my car to float, but no, I open my garage, and there it is, bobbing up and down. I loved that car. It floated down the street and ended up in the river – yeah, there's a river down there, you can't tell most of the time because it's so shallow it's barely a creek, but that day it was overflowing and my car floated right into it and sailed off. Never got it back. Pretty sure it's in the bay someplace. Now all we have is my wife's minivan, because she was at her parents' house with the younger kids that weekend, and I'm really not a fan. Who builds a car large enough to transport drywall but too small to stretch your legs if you're an adult man? Honda, that's who. She doesn't care because she's short, but I miss my car. It was a Chevy Impala, we called it Vlad because you have to call an Impala Vlad, right? Vlad the Impala? Come on, it's a Dracula joke.

Right, so anyway, the reason they're all bricked up is that my neighbor was trying to buy up all the properties there, so he had a business offering people that he'd brick up their yard – no more tickets from the city about high grass and weeds, no more kids sneaking into the back to grow illicit tomatoes, no rats – and a lot of people took him up on it, because they didn't realize about the flooding. Sure, most of it ended up in my garage, but a lot of it ended up in people's basements, and no one around here has flood insurance, we're halfway up a hill. And that dislodged the ghosts. See, most of this city's built on an ancient burial ground of some kind or other... I don't think Native American, I think it was one of those colonial cemeteries or something, so when you flood basements, you're gonna get ghosts. And that meant people trying to sell their properties because they're haunted. So he figured he'd buy up all the houses on the block cheap, right? Except some investigators came in from a government agency and they figured out that he'd known about the ghosts and that's why he talked people into letting him pour concrete all over their yards, so there were lawsuits – I considered joining in myself, but at the time, he lived on the other half of my house so I didn't want to stir things up. And at the end of the lawsuits, he was the one who had to sell his house for cheap in a big hurry or face foreclosure, because he'd had to mortgage his house like three times to pay the lawsuits.

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