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It was so cold and dark in there. I was scared at first, but soon, I was accustomed to it. About that same time, however, I fell to the ground, standing inside a hole in the wall of a canyon that was already riddled with holes.

"About time you emerged.."

The strange, stern sounding voice said in my direction,

"What are you waiting for? Follow."

Soon my vision was accustomed to the relatively bright light of this strange place, and the stern voice belonged to a gem about 4 times my size, her authoritarian personality offset by the fact that she was all various shades of yellow. 

A short while later, we had arrived at our destination: a large white statue of… somebody. The statue was just an upper torso and head, but its presence frightened me. I don’t know why, but it’s stark white appearance was unnerving. The fact that other, much smaller gems were clearing the way for me to go straight to the statue. Way off to either side of me, there were 2 statues of arms, one bright yellow, the other bright blue. Behind me, there was a giant pink pair of legs opposite the statue head and torso.

Before we reached the white statue, we came to a blue circle thing, and the yellow gem motioned for me to climb onto the platform. I climbed on, followed by the yellow gem herself, who introduced herself as Yellow Diamond. 

"Well, it’s nice to meet you, Yellow Diamond."

"Just call me Yellow. Now to tell you a little bit about why you’re so large compared to the gems you saw down there. You are a Diamond, a leader of homeworld and the one that lower gems under your court report to. Every gem is made for a specific task. Quartzes, for example, are soldiers, while pearls are servants. Speaking of pearls, yours should be ready."

Several excruciatingly flowery hours later, I had a pearl. I have a feeling we're going to be great friends!

When we got back to the statue,  I met the other diamonds. There was a pink one my about size telling a story, a blue Daimond the same size as Yellow was listening to the story, occasionally laughing, & a huge black & white gem doing something with a screen. 

For a long time, me & Pink were just learning what our jobs are, as well as how to do them. This was very boring, until I asked a simple question. "What do the gems under my court receive for helping me?"

"Nothing." Blue answered, as if it was obvious.

"Woah, woah, woah. The gems under our courts don’t receive anything in return for devoting all their time to expanding our empire?! Why?! Is it because their lives don’t matter as much as ours?! You take one part out of a computer, it doesn’t work like it was originally intended! Every part is equally important! Imagine how you’d feel if you were treated like you don’t matter just because you’re the wrong kind of gem! And of course, wanting universal equality is illegal! So I guess I'm a criminal."

I didn’t notice at first, but I was floating a little bit. There was a strange black tint to everything, like I was back in that canyon with the holes. Then, what happened next, I have no idea. As it turned out, I had made both Blue and Yellow’s pearls so angry that they tried to attack their respective Diamonds by simply being angry myself.

"Are you alright, my Diamond?", my pearl asked. I stopped glowing, lowering back to the floor. Blue & Yellow Pearl were both saturated. It took a moment, but eventually, they collapse to the floor, returned to normal.

"No. Let's go, Pearl." I say, storming off. "We need to find those Off-colors I heard about."

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