20 Racist Questions

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Tag 3 friends you want to challenge to answer this Racist / Stereotype questions.

Important: I absolutely do NOT promote racism. The purpose of this chapter is to get some good replies for racist and stereotype questions and remarks.


1. Do not reply to racism with more racism. I want proper replies because the questions are stupid.

2. No cussing.

3. Some questions won't be applicable to people from some countries. But still, try to answer.

Part 1 (Please don't cuss. Just give a befitting reply.)

1. "You are from Africa! Do you have electricity in your country?"

2. "Do you speak African?"

3. "How do you get internet in your country if it is so poor?"

3.5 "Wow... Do you have a computer to use the internet?"

4. "Do you have a lion as a pet?"

5. "In India, do you use elephants for going from one place to another?"

6. "Do you poop in the streets?"

7. "You are from India! Do you know snake charming?"

8. "You are from India! Can you speak Hindu?"

9. "You are from Africa? Have you seen a pirate?"

10. "You are from America? Are your parents still together?"

Part 2

11. Do you think the people from your nation are racist?

12. Do you think using words like 'Blacklist' and 'Whitelist' contribute to racism?

13. Question removed due to some people not understanding the purpose of this chapter and attacking me instead.

14. Name one tribe from Africa.

15. Name a language from India.

16. What is the most annoying stereotyping you have seen in movies? (ex: fake Indian accent in Hollywood movies, )

17. Question removed due to racist replies.

18. Name one language from the continent Africa. (Swahili)

19. Do you dislike any particular nation?

20. Do you dislike people from any particular nation?

Bonus: Comment all the questions I missed here.

Long ago, when I was young and hot-blooded, a girl asked me how I am using the internet and how can I afford a phone. I got angry and asked her how many abortions she had. She was an ignorant fool from a developed nation. (If you guessed the nation, then you are probably correct and a bit racist.) Still, there was no reason for me to ask a question like that.

I know I have skipped many important questions. Some of them were intentionally avoided to avoid random fights.

Questions no.19 won't make you a racist. But question 20 will.

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