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"Mr. Cain, why did you save me?"

Cain had stopped walking and sat down near a tall tree. He motioned for the little girl to sit next to him in the shade.

"Think of it as my good deed of this lifetime."

"Good deed?"

Cain hummed before he laid down.

"Get some rest, kid. We have a long journey ahead."

"I can't sleep without my blankie."

Cain leaned up and gave a "seriously?" before groaning and laying back down. He slowly took off his cloak, revealing a pair of black pants and a white shirt. He was wearing a cross around his neck, and his arms were all bandaged. He placed the cloak over the girl and laid back down.

"Now get to sleep, kid. Use that as your blanket."


"You need to learn magic, kid. You gotta protect yourself."

"How do I do magic, Mr. Cain? I've read so many books, but I still can't cast a spell."

Cain walked over to Emi before telling her to turn around. He touched the back of her neck and mumbled something before a small blue light came from her eyes.

"Now," Cain said as he smirked, "which magic would you like to learn?"

"Can I really use magic now? What did you do?!"

Cain put his finger to his lips and made a "shh" sound before replying, "It's a secret."

Emi started to ramble about her new ability when she was stopped by Cain's next question.

"Well? Which magic? You can try Requip magic, time magic, elemental magic--"

"What's elemental magic?"

Cain thought for a moment of how to explain it before answering, "It's basically magic of the earth's natural elements. Dragons teach heightened elemental magic to people called dragon slayers, but regular wizards can use it, too."

Emi still looked confused, so Cain decided to list a couple.

"You know. Water, fire, wind, earth, shadow, light, steel, lightning, ice. Stuff like that."

Emi's eyes sparkled.

"Can I learn dragon slayer magic?"

"You can't learn that without a dragon, kid."

"What other kinds of magic are there?"

"Nullification magic, burst magic, memory magic, creation magic, sealing magic..."

"What's creation magic?"

Cain motioned for Emi to sit down and face him.

"Creation magic is the root of all Make magic like Ice make and Memory make. You're able to create a spell using your mind. Creation magic is more powerful than regular Make magic because you're not limited to your memory or solid plans. You can--"

"I want to learn creation magic!"

Cain looked at her slightly annoyed.

"Hey, kid. You gotta let someone finish before you speak!"

"Creation magic? Levy?"

"He basically touched on all the basics that you need to know. It's known as something more versatile than Memory make magic and more powerful than Ice make, as it's not limited to only one element."

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