Chapter 11 - Scary but true

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© 2013 Sandra Corton

Chapter 11 – Scary but true

The limousine was quiet with only the hum of the engine making any noise. Ash watched Lucy carefully, so very afraid that he would say the wrong thing. All she did was stare out the window. He wanted to hold her, tell her everything would be fine but he couldn’t fathom what she was thinking.

They pulled up outside his apartment block and Joel rushed to open the door for him. Ash just waited for any response from Lucy but still nothing. He leaned over and picked up her sparkly heels that Mark had made her wear. She leaned further away from him until she was almost hugging the window.

“C’mon Belle let’s go inside okay.” He reached out a hand to her but she pushed the door open and quickly moved out of the vehicle on her own.

Ash was starting to feel overly panicked an hour later when Lucy hadn’t moved from the couch. Her eyes were wide and unseeing as she just stared into space. He was starting to wonder whether he should take her to the hospital when he first thought to call Daz.

He scrambled through Lucy’s handbag with no protest from her and felt instantly relieved when he found her mobile. He went into his bedroom, hating to leave her while praying that her brother would answer as he rang the number.

“Hello?” He heard Daz’s voice and Ash let out a sigh.

“Daz its Ash. Look I’m not sure what happened but we saw Lucy’s Mum this evening. Now it’s like Lucy isn’t even here. She’s completely spaced out and she won’t respond to me. What do I do? I’m so worried I might make whatever happened worse.” Ash quickly blurted out the words making Daz swear long and loud for a few minutes.

“Sorry mate I’m not angry at you about this but that woman is a nasty piece of work.” Daz stated angrily.

“So I noticed. How do I help Lucy?” Ash persisted in asking.

“This is going to sound cruel but it’s always worked for me before.” Daz replied hesitantly.  

“Fine tell me.”

“You need to slap her.” Ash let out a gasp “It doesn’t have to be hard but it’s the only thing that will snap her out of it.” Daz told him firmly.

“No I can’t do that! What even caused her to…..what happened?” Ash demanded.

“Lucy needs to explain that to you. Do you know how your last girlfriend let rip with some crazy lies?” Daz asked him softly.

“Yeah like I’d ever forget that.” Ash answered him sarcastically.

“Well our mother did something similar to Lucy. It broke her for a while. Luckily she came back fighting but sometimes….this is her way of coping she just shuts down.” Daz went quiet and Ash just sighed.

“Okay I’ll try it and get back to you if I don’t have any luck.” Ash managed to say.

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