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"Miss Zara, I would normally let you sleep in longer due to it being your birthday, but duty calls. Your parents are requesting you."

I pry open my burning eyes and turn away from the sunlight peering into my room. Although castle life was not awful, the worst part about was where my window was positioned. When the sun rose every morning, it made sure that I could not sleep peacefully.

"It's quite alright, Adeline." I croaked out, stretching. My servant peered at me with her glimmering brown eyes. She was always so enthusiastic for the mornings. I could not relate.

She looked away from me and instead glanced at the lush garden below my window. Adeline shook her head, causing pieces of her auburn hair to come out of her loose bun.

"You did not sleep very much last night, did you?"

I didn't. After all, today is my twentieth birthday. I have maybe one more year of potential freedom before I have to give myself away to rule another's kingdom. Although it is every girl's dream, I can't help but feel antsy. I feel so young to be married off, but then again, the woman that my older brother loves is barely of age. To each their own, I suppose.

"I was looking into our surrounding kingdoms... I cannot rule a region that I don't understand."

"And you also cannot expect to be sharp-minded if you are not getting enough rest." Adeline sighs out. She turns to me, "I will draw you a bath, Miss Zara. I will come  to retrieve you when it is ready."

I quietly thank her as she walks out of my room. Adeline and I have practically grown up together. Although my parents were stricter with the formality of using "Princess", once I was old enough to start making my own decisions, I instructed the maids and servants to address me by my name. It is nontraditional, but I do not care that much.

My bathing session was quick to end. I didn't want to be late to breakfast. Adeline quickly helped me change into a casual dress for the journey to the kitchen. We arrived together, spotting my mother and father already being served. Adeline bows as she announces my arrival.

"Princess Zara has come to join your meal." Adeline is careful to use formalities around my parents. My father picks up his fork and knife.

"Do not make a habit of bringing her late." He scowls, earning a soft jab from my mother.

I can see Adeline's shoulders slump before she responds, "Yes, Your Highness."

I touch her shoulder for comfort and she dashes out of the dining room. I sigh and take a seat across from my mother, my father being seated at the head of the table. My food is served promptly and I dig in. 

After a few moments of silence, my mother dabs her face with a satin napkin and speaks, "Have you noticed that your brother has been gone recently?"

I shrug my shoulders, earning a disapproving look from my parents before I respond, "I mean, I don't see him very often regardless. I just assumed he was training with our military like usual."

"No, my dear. Not today. Today he is going to visit his betrothed, it will only be a week before their wedding. Then, your father and I will step down and become his advisors while he rules the kingdom."

I had trouble swallowing my food, Arthur was already getting married? So soon? I mean, this usually happens rather quickly, but it still surprises me that my brother could be so serious about his position. It feels like it was yesterday when we were just two little children making trouble throughout the castle. Now, I guess we're grown up. I swallow my bite, trying to act unphased.

"What was her name again... Catherine? She seems like a kind girl." 

My father nods approvingly, "She is. Her family is even kinder. Luckily, those two seem genuinely in love, which makes it easier to make alliances with our two kingdoms. They have very rich resources in comparison to ours, and we can lend them our loyalty in battle. It is a perfect trade."

I play with my food, prodding my fork against the eggs I was served, "So... If he is taking over the kingdom, what am I going to do?"

My mother looks to my father, looking like she needs help. He swallows the rest of his food and looks me in the eyes. I see a spark of sadness.

"We want you to get married. Soon."

I froze. Married?! I put my shaking hands on the table, placing my silverware down. 

"I have yet to have any kind of introduction to the men in the surrounding kingdoms, what makes you think I could find a husband so suddenly? I'm assuming that I am on a time crunch."

"We want you to be married within the month." My mother replies, avoiding my glare.

"So what do you suggest that I do? Pick out the first man I see? This does not seem very well thought through."

"There will be a ball tonight in your honor." My father states, his eyes telling me that he is done with my attitude. I push my food away and put my head in my hands.

'Be grateful. Other princesses would die to have a ball. You have to do this for your family.'

I raise my head up, erasing my look of frustration, "Who will be coming?"

"All potential suitors from the surrounding kingdoms will be here tonight, including some of our more tense bonds. But, in the end, we are trying to be gracious and let you choose who you would like to marry out of all of them."

I puff up my cheeks, feeling my thoughts overwhelm me. I excuse myself from the table to go to my room, get ready, and clear my head. This day was bound to happen, I just have to be ready to do what it takes to secure my kingdom's safety. That is what a good princess is supposed to do, but now, with all of the kingdoms in attendance, it seems that I have a lot more reading to do. 

My father grabs my wrist gently, "We love you. I know you will make the right choice tonight."

I nod sadly, feeling the stress and pressure of the night constricting my chest. 

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