Part 25

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When we got back to the hotel room ben was ight and Jhede and Lauryn had left, Ben me and you done ight I said feeling like I had to vomit, why bae I am sorry ben said, hollon hollon I said running to the bathroom letting out my vomit, Kayla you good ben said, I think I am...

I think I am pregnant ben I said, what you mean ben said, nigga what,I said I think I am pregnant and yo dumbass gon say wym,I have vomiting for the last couple of days Genius I said, oh shit we finna have a baby he said, nah nigga we ain't having...

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I think I am pregnant ben I said, what you mean ben said, nigga what,I said I think I am pregnant and yo dumbass gon say wym,I have vomiting for the last couple of days Genius I said, oh shit we finna have a baby he said, nah nigga we ain't having nuffin we need to find a clinic down hea I said, nah fuck that we might not be together but you ain't killing my seed Kayla he said with all seriousness, do it look like I care I said, I getting Jhede he said, like Jhede gon do something I said smiling

A few minutes later ben and Jhede walk in the door and Jhede looking real mad but she don't scare me the fuck, all you do is joce you know you not gon kill that baby she said, I can't have a baby right now foo I said, why Kayla come on now ik yk betta so wym she said, I can't take the stress look at Lauryn she is always tried she never can get time to her self and I know fo damn sho her and three ain't fuckin I said, you can't compare yourself to her she got to take care of four kids our brothers and her babies she said as I just looked down at my belly,

you not on yo own you got me, Ben, Adrian, and kd cuz the rest of them niggas got babies she said, what about yb kids you help take care of them when they at yb house I said, no I help cuz I want to Kentrell got it she said, Kentrell got what I heard yb say, nun of yo damn business Jhede said, I got you when you get back to that hotel room he said before walking out, ok I am going to have it but let me tell you if this fucker head don't come out when it is time to just pack my stuff cuz I am not doing it I said, ok Kayla Jhede said walking out the hotel room.

So what about us ben said, what about us we not together I said, come on Kayla he said sitting down beside me, we ain't together you bout to cheat on me then we get back together i am not a pussy I said, you come be in this baby life and you can be hea for my pregnancy I said, ight Kayla he said, I walked over to the closet to pack cuz yb concert got cancelled cuz of the storm that happened earlier


I was in the room with my babies and three packing so we can go back to the br, bae you need to change her three said from the other bed, nigga you change her you right there I said, no she shitted no he said, Paris tell yo daddy stop being a wuss...

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I was in the room with my babies and three packing so we can go back to the br, bae you need to change her three said from the other bed, nigga you change her you right there I said, no she shitted no he said, Paris tell yo daddy stop being a wussy I told her, daddy stop being a wussy she said laughing, you hurt my feeling three said faking crying making me and Paris laugh

Bae did you talk to her mama I said, I have been calling her but she not answering so I got to wait till we get back to the br he said, I swear something is wrong with her I said, I don't wanna go back with mommy daddy Paris said, why not babygirl three said, cause I wanna stay with you and Lauryn and my sistas Paris said, well that is up to ur mama if she answer I said picking her up

Lauryn open the door I heard the boys from outside, what Tyler and Tristan I said opening it, so we can't see our nieces they said walking to pick up Arianna and Brianna, don't y'all have to pack I said, I swear you are our dumbest sister don't you think we are done why would we come in hea Tristan said while three and Tyler laughed, all three of y'all get out and give me my babies I said, no Jhede wanna see them one of my smart sisters Tristan said, get Tristan and y'all go with him I said as I pushed them all out, Paris you want me to take your picture I said, yes pwese she said, ight I said taking her picture and posting it and pushing her out with her daddy

Lauryn open the door I heard the boys from outside, what Tyler and Tristan I said opening it, so we can't see our nieces they said walking to pick up Arianna and Brianna, don't y'all have to pack I said, I swear you are our dumbest sister don't yo...

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Xxl_lauryn: looking like her daddy @OG_3three
OG_3three: 💚
NBAKD2x: unc baby
Mirah_thabrat: look at mommy's baby
Xxl_lauryn:^^ can you call yo baby daddy about your daughter tf

I called three and told him that his baby momma was commenting under my post he just said that he will take care of it and that it time to leave so we all left the hotel and went to the airport and got on the plane and I fell asleep

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