Too Cold Outside For Angels To Fly

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Colton lifted his head from the cold gray bars. Across from his cell he could see Gavin looking at him with a mocking smile. “What ya thinkin’ about princess? Don’t you like your new castle?” Gavin laughed at himself. The only thing that made prison less suffering was making other’s time miserable.  He scratched his goatee, walking towards the bars of his own cell so he could have a better look at Colton.

“No, I don’t think it is very pretty. It is a little bit too gray for me” Colton responded with an air of superiority. There was no way he was going to let this Gavin guy mess up with him. He had gone through worst things than him; he could easily brush him off. His days in the orphanage had taught him a thing or two about this kind of sarcastic responses “It would be ideal if it had more windows, you know, for more light. And if it was up to me, I would put fewer padlocks.” He could hear chuckles from the nearby guards and prisoners. He smiled at himself. Times had passed, but he still had that youngster spark that used to get him into trouble with the director of the institution. It reminded him of the day he got out of the orphanage, the day he got into all this mess without knowing.

November, 23th 2009 – A year of changes

He had exited the doors and breathed out the polluted air of the city. With only a backpack, young Colton Powell wanted to face the world. It was the day he would be free, it was his birthday, his new beginning. He turned around and admired the small building he called home for more than a decade. The paint was worn out, and if you looked at it intently you could make out the drawings of the youngest children on the walls. Even though he wouldn’t admit it out loud, he would miss this place. After all, until then, he knew no other life besides the children’s home. His entire life was revolving around that building until that moment. In there, he learned what was to care about someone again, and how to hide those emotions. He learned you had to fight to get what you wanted, and that life wasn’t easy for anyone. He would miss the people, alright. But, he could not wait to begin his new live outside of that building. 

He began walking away without somewhere to go. He noticed not many people were in the streets, so he decided to celebrate his independence. He shouted while he jumped and fist-pumped the air. He noticed several people looking at him, but he resumed his walk as if nothing had happened. He even noticed a lady that grabbed his little boy’s hand and began walking faster. When the lady had passed him he looked back and saw that the kid was watching him. So, they were afraid of him? Let’s give him a reason to be afraid, he thought as he pulled a face at the little boy. As expected the kid got closer to his mom and didn’t look back. Oh, Colton was enjoying this. He kept walking, chuckling to himself when he realized he had nowhere to go. On the orphanage they had given him some money, but it wouldn’t be enough to even pay for some place to stay. He needed a job, and fast. What could he do? Maybe he could be a waiter or a cashier.

He tried to get a job in several restaurants, but they just took a look at him and said he wouldn’t get the job. Huh, it was more difficult than he thought it would be. As he sat on a bench in the park, he admired the moon. The park was desolated. It was only him and the sound of the wind. Between one super long interview (notice the sarcasm) and another one, night fell. It was late now, and he didn’t have a place to stay. Guess this bench will serve as my bed tonight, he thought. He was going to get up from the bench when someone pushed him on the shoulder, forcing him to sit down again.

“Hey! What’s your problem?” he demanded furiously.

“Let us see what you have in that nice backpack of yours.” The man said, snatching the bag out of his hands.

“Oh man, you are losing your time. I don’t have anything valuable on that backpack.” Thank God he had decided to carry his money in his shoes. Yes, his shoes. It was safer that way. He crossed his arms, waiting for the man to finish searching his bag.

“A pair of jeans, 2 shirts,” the man listed as he took them out “Underwear? A toothbrush? What are you doing fool, escaping home?” he threw the things back at Colton, while his henchmen laughed at his joke.

“Do you think I decided to sleep on this oh so comfortable bench instead of a real bed? Man, you so wrong.” He shook his head, as he put his things back in the bag. Believe me, if I had a better option I wouldn’t be here.

“So, what’s your story then, kid?” he curiously asked. He eyed him curiously, analyzing him. He was walking around him like he was about to purchase some item at a store.

“It is none of your business.” Colton tried to get up again, but he was shoved back again. That shoving seriously needed to stop, it was infuriating him.

“I’m not done talking.” The man shot him a look that sent every threat existing in the world. “I could give you a place to stay, you know. Of course, if you do something for me.” Well, Colton really didn’t expect that one coming. He rubbed his face and snickered slightly. Man, people can be presumptuous sometimes.

“Why would I trust you? You just tried to rob me, remember?” Colton replied with a sarcastic smile. He couldn’t believe this man. Colton was everything but naïve.

“Yeah, that’s right. But I think we have more in common than I initially thought. I could help you, if you help me back.”

What were the chances that a strange man approached him and offered him a place to stay? It was a one in a million thing. Of course, he was asking for something back. What would that be? He had just tried to rob him, it could be nothing good. But, then again, he needed a place to stay.

“And what’s that thing I need to do for you?” Colton had his poker face on. It was the face that he worn when he used to negotiate vegetables over cookies when he was back at the orphanage. It was a little bit of a mix between a poker face and a face of intimidation. He didn’t want these guys to think they could easily mess with him.

The man looked over his shoulders. “How about we talk about this in some place more… private” that wasn’t a good sign. If Colton ever thought it was a dirty deal, this had just confirmed his suspects.

“Nah.” He said vaguely. “I’m comfortable here.”

“Ok, as you wish.” The man held up his hands in sign of surrender. He then nodded at his minions and they immediately formed a circle around both of them. That got Colton’s attention. He sat up and looked around alarmed.

“What do you want?” Colton demanded with a cold face. They were going to do something to him, he was sure. He didn’t want to end up like his parents, killed by a very dangerous mafia. Yes, he knew. He had figured it out when he overheard a conversation between the psychologist and the director of the orphanage, when he was twelve. It was shocking enough hearing about it, he didn’t want to live it too.

“Calm down. I just want to talk.”

“Talk, then” he wasn’t going to let his guard down; he knew he couldn’t trust this guy.

“I want to make a deal with you. How about I give you a place to stay, and in exchange you work for me?” this made Colton a little suspicious. What kind of work would he want him to do? As if the man heard his unspoken question he answered “Don’t worry, I won’t make you do something too dangerous. It will only be basic robberies. If you are worried you will hurt someone, then don’t. I promise you, you will not have to. We only rob those people who seem to have more than they should. We are keeping balance on society.”

Colton thought about this for a second. He had to admit, he had stolen things before, as a kid. But this was different; he was going to get involved with a criminal gang. Although, the man did say he wouldn’t hurt anyone.

“Basic robberies, you sure?” the man nodded. But that didn’t quite convince Colton. He analyzed the man, looking for any signs that would tell him not to accept.

“Look, it is a win-win situation. You need a place to stay. I need a new man. Don’t ask what happened to the previous one. He was a bastard, fuck*ng traitor. Besides, I’ll give you a place to stay AND a generous salary. I give you my word. And if it is one thing I don’t do is break a promise. Do we have a deal?” he extended his hand “My name is Hamilton Randal. But everybody calls me Milton. And you are?”

“I am Colton Powell. Ok, you convinced me, I’m in.” he shook his hand with a smile in his face. Colton thought he had just won the lottery.

Oh, he would regret that decision later on, alright.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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