☁Chapter Sixteen☁

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Apparently, Nazadori was wrong about the feast that the servants were preparing for. She thought it was just to commemorate her and her new council, but it was actually for the other world leaders and important families and even the White Lotus to celebrate her coronation that was coming up way too soon. She thought it was weird that those people were already here and left and now they were coming back. Why couldn't they have stayed in the palace while she was choosing her council?

At least she was already halfway done with the whole event. The important leaders and families and people in general went through their introductions to her before the music started playing in the background, allowing them to walk away from her and mingle together before the dinner actually started. The room was warm and full of people, and Nazadori's skin prickled uncomfortably. Everyone's eyes were on her. She couldn't mess up again. 

Soft music filled her ears as she gazed around at the people, her hands holding tightly to each other. Her heart hammered in her chest at the sight of all these people watching her every move as she slowly walked from one end of the room to the other. All around her, young and old couples danced together, the gentle music perfect for a slow dance. She passed by Fire Lord Zuko, who was dancing with a tall, thin girl with a sharp face and long, raven-black hair. She offered the Fire Lord a smile before lowering her head. 

And then she nearly ran into Avatar Aang. He was standing near the center of the dance floor, surrounded by a group of people. Nazadori took a moment to glance at Aang and saw that he was wearing traditional Air Nomad attire with a wooden necklace situated around his neck. 

She bowed to him and his friends. "It is so nice to see you," she said, hoping to keep her tone light and formal. She didn't want her weird emotions for the Air Nomad to slip out. 

Aang bowed in response. Then, he motioned toward the people standing next to him, and Nazadori got a good look at them. There was a boy and a girl wearing matching Water Tribe garb. The girl was breathtakingly beautiful, and for a second there, she swore she saw her look at Aang and then at the ground. The moment was over before Nazadori could think about it, and then she looked at the boy. He was tall and wore his hair in a ponytail. A pretty Earth Kingdom girl with fiery locks stood next to him, wearing a traditional Kyoshi Warrior outfit. Finally, another Earth Kingdom girl stood on the other side of Aang, but Nazadori knew who she was. This was the notorious Toph Beifong. Nazadori was made to memorize all the important Earth Kingdom families, and the Beifong family was definitely up there in prominence. 

"These are my friends," Aang said, smiling softly at the people around him. "You have met Fire Lord Zuko already. These are my other friends that helped me save the world." He named the people that stood beside him. Sokka and Katara were the brother-sister duo from the Water Tribe; Suki was the Kyoshi Warrior; and finally, Toph was the earthbending teacher, which she already knew. "Everyone, this is the future queen of Omashu, Nazadori."

"I guess working with the Avatar has its advantages," Sokka said, grinning widely. "We get to meet all the leaders of the world and have amazing meals because of it."

Katara elbowed her brother, shaking her head. She gave Nazadori a soft look. "I'm sorry about him. Sometimes, Sokka likes to crack jokes at the worst possible moments."

"He's right, though," Toph said, snatching a piece of food off of a tray carried by someone that passed by her. "The food is amazing."

"I'm just glad to be here," Suki said, smiling. "I love spending time with my friends and boyfriend --" Sokka perked up. "-- as well as meeting new people." She bowed toward Nazadori. "If you need any help with Kyoshi Island, come talk to me."

"Thank you," Nazadori said, smiling softly. These people were definitely out there, but she was glad that Aang had them as friends. She turned to go, but someone caught her elbow. She glanced down at the hand and saw a bright blue arrow peeking out of a yellow sleeve. Glancing up at Aang, she said, "What are you doing?"

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