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It was around eleven at night when I heard a knock on my door. I had my face stuck inside the freezer, trying to keep my eyes from becoming even more swollen. I only looked in the door's direction for a moment before sticking my head back into the freezer. I knew better than to open the door so late at night. Whoever it was knocked again. I ignored it again, not one bit interested.

My head shot up, hitting the top of the freezer at the sound of my phone getting a text message. I touched the spot on my head that I hit, slowly retreating my face out of the freezer. I grabbed my phone from the counter, glad it only lasted a few seconds. I was worried that the person outside my door heard, but that quickly faded away once I read the text. 'I'm outside your door.' It was from Peter.

I looked over to my door, before looking down at my outfit. I had a large t-shirt over some baggy grey pants. My hair was in a loose ponytail with hairs poking every which way. Was there time to change into something more flattering? Peter knocked on the door again. I heard him call my name from behind it. I didn't have enough time.

I touched under my eyes, hoping he couldn't tell that I was crying, before walking over to the door. I quickly let my hair loose, placing the hair tie on my wrist. "Coming," I shouted. I prepared my smile, before taking one last breath. I placed my hand on the knob, twisting it. I pulled the door open, a smile on my face only for all the hard work to be thrown out the window. I gaped at him. "Peter, what the hell?"

Peter waved at me, trying to smile, but I barely noticed the small curves of his lips because I was too distracted by the blood hanging from the corner of them. He still had his outfit from the dance. It looked in perfect condition, not even a speck of dust. It didn't make sense at all when you looked at his face. His whole face looked pretty bruised up. There were even scrapes on his hands. How could he get hurt without his outfit getting harmed in the process? "Hi," he said. Even his voice sounded weak. "Would you mind helping me out?"

I rushed him into the living room, making him seat on the sofa before hurrying to the bathroom. I opened the mirror cabinet, looking for the first aid kit. My eyes traced each shelf until they landed on a box of opened bandages. I grabbed it only for it to be incredibly light due to it being empty. "Damn it," I mumbled, throwing the empty box on the floor.

I looked back at the cabinet to see a bottle of pills that weren't there before. It must have been hiding behind the box of bandages. I grabbed it, reading my mom's name on the subscription. What the hell? I didn't have time for it. I placed the bottle back, grabbing the box of bandages, and placing it in front of the bottle. I closed it to reveal the mirror again. My eyes and the tip of my nose were still red from all the crying I did. I looked like a complete mess.

I squatted down to the lower cabinets under the sink to see the first aid kit hiding behind loads of opened shampoos. I took it out before hurrying back into the living room. Peter sat with his head back on the cushion of the sofa looking up at my ceiling. I stood for a moment just looking at him before he caught me staring. He smiled again. "Hey, you're back."

I walked over to the sofa, sitting with my knees folded. "I brought the first aid kit." I held the small rectangular box from the handle, a proud smile on my face.

"Yay." I placed the box behind me as I started to grab the necessary equipment. I made Peter sit up straight with his chin down so I could get a better look. The second I got closer to check his wounds, he noticed the redness on my face. "What's up with your face?"

"It's nothing." I placed my focus on his face again, only for him to gently push my chin with his injured hand to the side to see it more clearly in the light of the kitchen.

"Were you crying? Why?" he asked, his coffee eyes concern.

I grabbed his injured hand carefully, ignoring the feeling I got from touching his hand again. I left it alone on the sofa. "It's just allergies. Let's worry about you first." He didn't say anything after that, keeping still for me. First I cleaned any blood off of his face, before applying the cream to the places that need it. Surprisingly, it wasn't as much as I thought.

Dancing Around // peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now