10. Chinese lunch date

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We went to a nearby chinese place for lunch. It is a small place with not much ambience but the food here is to die for. We sat in a corner table near a window. I always prefer tables near a window. Whatever happy or sad thing is going in the table, you can always look out and enjoy the view to calm yourself. We talked about school and weather and all other possible and random small talks. I think we have made a lot of progress. The first day was very silent and awkward but now, I feel a little better. Not awkward anymore and we are talking. And today, when his hands slightly brushed on my waist when we were walking to the table, I didn't get a panic attack. I am so very proud of myself.

" Oh god! Thats good stuff " he said dropping his head back after taking a spoonful of his noodles. I giggled at his food arousal! We sat opposite to each other and I couldn't stop staring at him. The sun was on his face and it turned his hair golden. His eyes look very brown and he was looking at me. If this was just a month ago, I would have totally melted right on my chair. I have always had crush on him but now that this is mutual, why is it difficult for me? I looked out the window.

" Aren't you gonna eat? " He said lifting an eyebrow.

" Yeah..... Yeah " I said as I got the spoon and dug in. We quietly enjoyed the delicious food for about another 20 minutes before he said

" Hey, my mom is coming here next week. She wants to meet - " I choked on my food. I coughed so hard, he came to my side and rubbed my head. He asked the waiter to bring water for me. And poured me a glass and all that was running in my mind the whole time was...

It's not even been a whole week and he wants me to meet his mother?

After I have calmed the fuck down , he sat in his seat waiting for me to respond.

" Neil. I lo- like you ok? But don't you think it's too soon for me to meet your mother? " And he laughed. Yes! HE LAUGHED. " What's so funny? "

" Sweety, my mom wants to meet mrs.radhai. not you. " He laughed. " I want you to tell mrs.radhai not to mention about your job to my mother. If she knows, she is gonna bug me about not doing that in my 11th grade " he sighed.

" Okay , cool " I said trying to act cool.

" Sweety, what is up with you lately?" Oh crap!

" What? Nothing. " I said waving it off

" Come on, you avoid talking to me after dinner. Everyday. " He looked a lot serious than I would have liked.

" It's just - "

" Don't say work stuff " he looked more serious than before.

" Okay " I took a deep breath and gained the confidence to tell him " Neil. I have never been in a relationship before and.. " where are words you need then " I like you , I have always liked you. But this is too real for me. I don't know what people do in relationship. And i am panicking around you nowadays. I don't know what to talk with you, now. And the couple stuff are really " searching my black mind " just so " come on brain!! " scary. It's just... It's"

He took my hand that was lying ackingly on the table. He looked into my eyes " sweety,  listen. I had a lot of questions before I confessed to you but unless we try to make it work, we will never know right? "

" But what if this is a big mistake! What if it doesn't work. I can't lose you, Neil. What if this ruins what we have" He gave me a warm smile.

" I guess, we both should take that chance " he said squeezing my hand. " And I am damn hell ready to do it for you " 

" yeah, I am just over reacting. But... I don't know. "

" Hey, hey, listen. " His eyes looked the warmest ever " I love you " just survived a heart attack on that one. why are these words so freaky to hear. It's just four syllable for fucks sake . " And you are not gonna lose me. Like ever ok? " His lips broke into a smile.

I chuckled " okay ". I was shit scared he was gonna kiss me now, but he didn't. But our hands did lay on the table clasped for the rest of the meal.  


Neil dropped me in my hostel with a love sick smile in his face and a shy " see you at dinner " before walking away. I smiled my way to my room unable to believe that me and Neil are in a relationship. I am in a relationship. God damnit that is weird. I took a nice long bath and caught up with my Instagram and Snapchat and YouTube before it was already time for dinner. My hair was not fully dried and I wore my favourite PJs. It was one of the days when you feel really pretty with your hair hanging loose and you feel fresh and breezy. I reached the already full table and sat in-between Lola and Neil. We had dinner all the while teasing and making fun of each other. We were walking out of the canteen when someone mentioned ' ivelle '. Ivelle is a closing event of the blossoms fest. After the winner team according to sports, academic and other fest competitions are declared, there is a closing ceremony for the fest which is called ' ivelle '. It is really romantic only if we have a date. Else, it's just another dance party with illegal booze Usually, me and lucky go in as a pair . I gotta tell lucky before Neil asks me out. Lola kept nudging me and eyeing Neil. She was trying to  ask me if he has asked me to be his date for ivelle. I shook my head. The planning for ivelle has already began. We reached the auditorium to check it out. Few of our friends were in the organising committee and their plan was really good. It was the usual boring speeches, price distribution, formal dance and fashion parade in the beginning. And after most teachers leave the Auditorium, there will be dj , confession rooms, photo booth, random truth or dare questions, etc etc. It will be like a mini carnival except no rides. lucky and i have the hattrick of highest score in dance off. It's gonna be so much fun.


I woke up the next day early. All thanks to lola's audition for modeling in ivelle. She kept moving around making noises and waking me up for my opinion on each and every thing. I finally got up and helped her get ready. After my final touch of blush, she looked breathtaking. I walked her to the audition and then took a cab to office.

I reached the office very very very early than ever. Ms.vidya has not reached yet. I stood near the lift freely moving my body to the beat of my song on my earphones which is probably why I didn't not hear Akil come and stand near the lift until he reached beside me to press the lift button.
" My bad" I turned to look at him feeling silly for not pressing the button. I smiled and waved at him and he nodded at me. We stepped into the elevator and as the doors closed, my music seemed to become louder. It was very uneasy to stand there wondering if my music is heard outside or not. I took off one earbud to check, but that did no help. I slightly turned my head to look at Akil , he was staring straight ahead. He turned to look at me in a sharp moment and I turned away. Why am I making it awkward now!!! I turned my music off and slowly removed my earphones. He chuckled beside me.

" What ? " I said already knowing the answer.

" You are cute " he said as he walked out of the lift. I grinned at him feeling nice. And it reminded me of his sister.

" How was your dinner with your sister? " I said and regretted immediately. I am not supposed to know that!!! Shitt!

" Yeah, good " he stopped and turned around. " How do you know? "

" I.. um.. I work as a waiter there. In the hotel you went to! Yeah. I work there! And I saw you guys. " All the while my mind was screaming for me to stop talking.

" Why didn't you come say hi? "

" I.. I didn't wanna disturb you guys. Intro of new boyfriend. That's family stuff " again??? Why did I have to metion her boyfriend! God. Somebody stop me. 

" You are pathetic! " He laughed.        " That's the best you can come up with? Waiter? "

" It's true! Buddy " buddy??? What the fuck is wrong with me?

" I know she came here. I saw it in camera " i glared at him " I just wanted to see you lie " he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

" Such an asshole " I said it inside my head as he walked into his office. I reached my desk and started my work.

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