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Katsuki:I don't deserve it! I don't deserve you!
He said hugging me back pulling on my t-shirt and crying even more

He has to forgive himself..

,,You deserve more than you think"
I said kissing his forehead

3rd POV

After Katsuki calmed down he tried to push Izuku slightly away

(They're cuddling)

Katsuki:Oi deku!
He says with a calm voice

Izuku replies waiting for him to talk

Katsuki:be my boyfriend!
He said annoyed

,,Wha- tch."
Izuku blushed and burried his face into Katsuki's neck

Katsuki flinched a little when he felt Izuku's breath on his neck

Izuku said wrapping his arms even tighter around Katuski

Katsuki:Cut it out deku-ah!
He said annoyed and then Izuku licked Katsuki's neck

He tried to push Izuku away but he wouldn't let him go

He said panting and kissing Katsuki's neck

Katsuki's POV

What the fuck!!!

This shitty nerd won't let go!!

Katsuki:Oi! Enough already-ahhh
I slapped my hand on my mouth..i just...was that-

That bastard just bit me!

,,that was hot"
Izuku said smirking looking down at me

If he continues i-

,,You got hard Kacchan."
He said pointing down to my crotch

Katsuki:Shut up!!
I said still trying to push him away

Before he ended his sentence he kissed me

My eyes widened and i moaned, what is he-

I broke the kiss and said panting

Katsuki:Deku! Enough!
I said trying to stand up but he held me tighter

,,I won't let you go..you caused this problem"
He said smirking again and showing to his crotch

He was hard a-and...

,,It doesn't look like you actually want to go.."
He said and went near my ear and whispered

,,I want you...Kacchan~"
He said and moaned my name

I'd lie if i said it wasn't hot

I said blushing and looking in his eyes

His bright green eyes were darker and filled with lust

I can't resist

3rd POV

3rd POV

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