forks graduation proposal

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(Je) “When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like, Astronaut, President or in my case, a Princess. When we were ten, they asked again.  We answered rock star, cowboy or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we’ve grown up, they wanted a serious answer. Well, how about this - who the hell knows? This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in Philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again because nothing’s permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they asked what we wanna be, we won’t have to guess – we’ll know.” 

(P) I present to you your 2011 graduates

*throws caps in air*

(J) *hugs bella* were graduates

(Se) here we go out of school

(P) a great end to the year

(L) and a new beginning to this one

(Q) we all leave together as a pack

(B) this was an incredible year out of any other I'm glad I grew with all of you

(C) congratulations bella and jacob on graduating

(B) thanks dad

(J) bella I have something for you

(B) what is it?

(J) hold out arm

(B) *lifts arm*

(J) *places bracelet on arm*

(B) I love it Jake

(J) I made it myself it's a wolf a meaning of being apart of the pack

(B) *hugs jake* thank you

(J) now soon it will be a graduation party

(B) yeah it will be


(Je) I can't believe we all graduated together

(A) yep it was incredible now we have adulthood coming so soon to us

(C) jake you ready for the plan you had?

(J) yeah I am

(C) *hands box ring* congrats my boy

(J) *stands on small stage* hello everyone tonight's an incredible party and I'd like bella to come to the stage

(B) *walks and stands by jake* what is it jake?

(J) bella has been with me for years and now I wanna be with her forever, I wanted to wait after our graduation and getting her father's blessing I want to do this *bends down on one knee*

(B) jake what's going on?

(J) Isabella Marie swan will you make me the happiest man in the world by doing me the honor of marrying you, what do you say will you marry me bella?

(B) jake I will

(J) *places ring on bellas finger and hugs her*

*people clapping and cheering at graduation party*

(Bi) way to go jake congrats you to, welcome to the family bella

(B) thanks Billy thanks dad

(C) I want my daughter happy this was the best way congrats guys

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