Udders Like No Other

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"Please don't do this to me Harry!" I beg as he's shoving me into the barn in our farm. "I didn't mean to accidentally run our baby over with the lawnmower! Harry please, I love you!"

Harry stares at me with his emotionless dark green orbs. He locks me in the abandoned barn and leaves without another word.

It was the longest night of my life. I laid down to sleep on a bale of hay, but the horses kept knocking me down, so I slept on the floor. Then the chickens made nests on my neck and laid their eggs on my face. I tried to break myself out, but my delicate post pregnancy body couldn't handle the stress. In the morning, I heard Harry's footsteps as he finally unlocked the door.

"I must teach you a lesson for murdering my first-born," he states. "You have no use for your milk anymore, so you may as well help me keep the farm running." He rips off my clothes and sets them on fire. For two hours, I sit on the cold ground as he pumps the milk out of my breasts. After filling up a gallon, he leaves me in the barn while I collapse due to soreness and exhaustion.

Every morning now he comes to milk me. He tugs my utters like no other. I am no better than a cow on Harry Styles' farm.

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