Side story 2 The 2nd mission part 2

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A/N: Lol. I didn't know that "eventually" meant almost a whole year *nervous sweat* Anyway on to the story... finally.

After almost an hour of walking, Juvia and I made it to the small village that had originally sent out the cry for help. They told us told us that a rival village had hired some wizards in order to scare outside villagers from sharing the resources offered by the land. They pointed us in the right directions and we continued down the path.

"Hey Juvia?"


"About earlier... I just want you to know that I don't normally touch you when you're asleep, that was the first time. I'm sorry."

"Well Juvia was not technically asleep."

"Yeah I know, I just didn't want you to think of me as a perverted wierdo or something. Haha."

"Well Juvia should also apologize for leading you on. Hehe."

"Next time you want me to touch you just let me know"

I could feel my face start to heat up


"Cause I'm always itching for a fight. Especially against someone who's magic would definitely have the upper hand against mine."


I feel stupid now for believing that he might have been talking about getting intimate. But then Natsu took my hands into his own and brought his face and body closer to mine. He looked at me with such a comforting expression.

"I'm kidding, we can do those things after."

My face goes back to blushing. Wait... he said after? So he wasn't kidding about the fighting part?!

As we kept walking along the path we noticed a strong lack of fauna in the area. Makes sense since we are getting close to rival village.

"So what's the plan Juvia? Are we gonna smash their faces until they give up!?"

"Absolutely not Natsu! Juvia will try peaceful measures first. And if that doesn't work, then you can punch them."

"Juvia will try to reason with them and get them to work together with the other village for simultaneous prosperity."

"Sounds boring, but If you say so, then I won't get in the way."

"Thank you Natsu."

"Hopefully we can get this over with quickly, so we can get back to the guild hall. I want to spar against that ice bastard."

"Juvia doubts you will have the chance to do that. Grey likes to spend a lot of his time with Lucy. Juvia thinks church bells are in their futures."



"Juvia... do you see church bells in our future?"

Wha- what's with this sudden question? What am I suppose to say to him in this situation? Shouldn't he know whether or not he wants to marry me? Does he think I don't want to marry him someday? Do I want to marry Natsu? Surely I do... right? Then why can't I tell him directly.

"Sorry Juvia... that was a loaded question. Just forget that I said anything."

Wait, no. Please, I want to talk about this with you. I don't want to act like you never said anything.

His back was towards me but I pulled on his sleeve and managed to get his attention as he turned to face me.

"Natsu I-"

Suddenly my vision became blurry. Everything was getting dark and I couldn't hear anything. My strength was fading and I could feel myself losing consciousness.

"Juvia! Hey what's wrong?!"

I don't understand what's going on. She seemed fine earlier. Did she get sick? Wait I'm starting to feel tired. What's going on with me.

"Wow, way to hold out kiddo. I'm surprised how much the both of you were able to stay awake. You both have been breathing in my sleeping gas for the past 10 minutes. Any normal person would have passed out within the first couple of minutes."

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Whoa! Now that I've gotten a better look at ya, you must be the dragon kid from that one shitty guild right? What was the name again?

"It's Natsu! And don't forget it!"

He got closer to Juvia and I and had a smug expression on his face. He was now only a few feet away from us. I still held Juvia in my arms in case this guy tries something. He was tall, about the same height as Loxus, similar build too. I couldn't see his face though because he was wearing a gas mask. Does this mean that his magic affects him as well?

"Wow, she's a beauty. Tell me dragon boy, how did someone like you end up with a woman like her?"

"Shut up! Leave her alone, and tell me what your problem is! Why did you gas us?"

"Well I heard from my boss that some wizards were coming to try to stop his village from continuing what their doing to another nearby village. You see I'm a bit of a hired gun for whoever pays me the most. I'm actually pretty famous in the underworld. They call me the wizard killer because... well I'm sure you can figure out why. It's in the name after all."

"How are you still conscience by the way? Most people would have been a sleep by now."

He's not completely wrong. I can feel my self feeling tired and sleepy. But if I pass out now... who will protect Juvia... maybe if I can just knock him out with a powerful punch to the head, then at least neither of us will be able to do anything. Wait, if he's wearing a mask then he must be susceptible to his own magic. I just have to be quick enough to pull it off and as soon as he breathes it in, then it won't matter if I pass out.

I gently place Juvia on the ground with care and then turn my attention back to the assassin.

"Oh? What's this? Do you actually have enough energy to fight me after taking in the gas for so long?"

"I don't need to fight you, all I need do is pull off that damn mask of yours. You must not be able to control your own magic to well if you need to protect yourself from it!"

As I say this I use whatever energy I have left within me to dash up to him and reach for his mask.

"Who ever said this gas was created through magic kiddo!"

Within a fraction of a second he swiftly avoids my attack and grabs my arm. Using his strength, he easily picks me up and slam my body onto the ground.



"Sorry kid, but I've fought many experienced wizards in the past. And compared to them, you're well lets just say that kiddo isn't so far off from describing you."

My... my sight... its getting blurry... Juvia... where are you? Please... forgive for not... being strong enough to ask you... to marry...

"Hey kid, before you pass out on me, here something you should know about me. Pay close attention now before you pass out. Ready? I can't use any magic."

To be continued...

A/N: Hey all, author here. That's right after such a long time without any updates I give you an update. Like I took a 3 year break updated the story once and then took a year break. Lol. Hope you all enjoyed this new part and please look forward to more. Can't really give a specific schedule since I'm still doing university online as well as another story that I'm currently working on but I'm going to shoot for at least one update every week. Cheers.

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