First Day Mayhem

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It's hard for me to remember my life before Sam. Before his smile, his laugh, his touch, before him nothing seemed real. At times I sit there in my room and wonder for hours what my life was like. I was so innocent, so shy. All I was, was a new girl, in a now town, going to a new school where she didn't even fit in. That innocent girl did not know what she was getting into by meeting Sam, but now I am glad that she did.
I remember my first day of school, watching the rain fall on the bleak, depressing world of Salem, Oregon, as the bus pulled up to the next stop. Kids got on, a noisy group. I just stared harder out the window, wishing I was anywhere but there. I didn't want to move to Salem, I wanted to stay in Miami, but no my mom had to because of her job. In truth it wasn't uncommon, we moved every so often because the more we moved the more money she made. It just made it difficult to get comfortable, and actually start a life. every six months or so it was a new home, the stress of unpacking, and then a new school which I was always a loner, no point in making friends if I was just going to move somewhere else over the summer. I just sighed. Why did it have to be Salem? That was my main question. There was nothing out here, and all the people were boring, the town we moved to was literally six miles wide and the food was just as sad as the weather. "Well at least it won't last long." I whispered to myself as we came to another stop.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" said a gravely voice that threw me out of my thoughts.
"No, I don't." I replied still looking out into the rain. I felt the seat move a little and turned to see my visitor. He was dressed in black from head to toe, he wore a black hoodie, a black shirt with some type band logo on it, and a pair of pants that had more chains and pockets on it than the actual black material, Tripp pants is what I believed they were called. His long chestnut colored hair was pulled back into a long braid, that hung over his shoulder. I guess he noticed that I was staring because he smiled at me. I immediately became uncomfortable. I wasn't use to being this close to other people.
"You're new here aren't you?" he asked looking at me. I nodded, that's all I could do, because I was starring into his eyes, they where blue but not just blue but blue like the ocean, that deep pure soul lifting blue, that made you feel as if you where safe and nothing could nothing could touch you. I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks, and looked down. He laughed a full hearted laugh, it made my heart skip a beat.
"Hi, my name is Sam, Sam Valentine." He said holding out his had to me. I looked at him as if he was out of his mind.
"Don't worry I don't bite, much." He said smiling.
I took his hand "My name is Violet, Violet Summers."
"Well Violet where did you come from."
I thought for a minute, wait why was he trying to get to know me, was he some sort of creep or something? Was he just trying to be friendly, and over doing it, or was I just over thinking it, simply due to the fact that I try to avoid human interaction as much as possible?
"Hello, earth to Violet you in there?" he said waving his hand in front of my face, making me jump back a couple of inches.
"Umm yeah I was just thinking, I moved from Miami because my mom has to move because of her job and now I'm stuck in this bleak little town, alone." I finished looking down at my converses.
"It must be hard for you, are you going to Shaymore high?" he asked
I nodded my head, "Great I will see you around then." He said smiling. I just nodded and then under my breath I mumbled maybe. It was a quiet ride for the most part after that, the occasional loud mouth in the back would start running his maw or a couple of girls would let out an annoying high pitched squeal. I was ready to bang my head against the hard metal interior of the bus when we came to a quick jerking stop.
"This is our stop." He said holding out his hand to me, "how about I show you around the most boring school in the world." I ignored the gesture, nothing against him or anything I just didn't like being touched by other people. But I didn't mind letting him show me to the guidance office to get my class schedule.
"Well I'll leave you to it then, see ya around." he said walking off in the opposite direction.
Walking in to the guidance office is something that kind of irked me the more I had to do it. I felt like they always tried to judge what kind of student I would be while I attended the school. I made my way to the front desk, with the woman happily typing away at her computer.
"Can I help you?" she asked not taking her eyes from her computer screen.
"I came to get my class schedule, my name is Violet Summers." I responded.
"Very well have a seat and I will have it printed out shortly." she stated motioning to the chairs that were right next to me. I just quietly made my way to them, and picked the one farthest away from her. All of the concealers that I had met looked the same to me, short bobbed hair, thick plastic glasses and rail thin, in bland colored clothing. It was like they were made from a factory.
"Oh you must be Violet." a high pitched bubbly voice said. I looked up to see a girl that was the definition of a Barbie doll, with the personality to match. I just nodded. "Well hi I'm Kayla and I will be your senior supporter, my job is to help you find your classes and to make sure that you are comfortable here at our school."
I forced a smile, I was perfectly fine before she showed up. "Well come on then lets get you to your first class, with Mr. Belcher, for Biology, he's not too bad." she said waving the paper and walking out the door. Unwillingly making me follow since she had the rest of my classes on that paper. As we were walking she was pointing out the different areas that the school had, the gym, the lunchroom, music hall and so on and so forth. I was just waiting for us to get to my class so she could just shut up and go away.
"Ahh here we are, room 225, here's your class schedule and a map of the school if you are in need of anything else, I'm up in the guidance office and eager to help, I hope you have a wonderful day."
"You too." I said taking the papers from her hands, and watched her merrily walk away. How can people be that chipper this early in the morning, i thought to myself. Drugs and insanity were the only two answers that came to mind. Sighing I knew that I couldn't put it off forever taking a deep breath and preparing myself mentally I turned the door handle and walked into my first day, of my first class, of my new school.

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