hello + trigger warning

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First off, hello everyone. 

Although i have been on Wattpad for more than 7 (!!!) years, I have been taking a break from lots of things. Among those things were both writing and Wattpad. 

But I'm baaaack and I'm more motivated than ever before.

And honestly, my love for 5sos was rekindled by CALM. I haven't listened to anything since it was released and I have no regrets. Anyway - this is the first time I'm attempting to write more than a short story in English. Since English isn't my first language, I hope you excuse any mistakes I might make (there shouldn't be too many, though).

I hope you enjoy this story. Every vote and comment motivates me to keep writing and I look forward to your feedback.

So much love,
bella ♥

Trigger Warning:

Contains mentions of a past suicide attempt and self harm. Contains descriptions of sexual and domestic abuse (although not in detail). Contains descriptions of drug abuse. Panic attacks are described in detail and occur multiple times. 

Please read with care and message me or someone you trust should this story (or anything else, really) trigger you in any way.

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