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Looking at the empty apartment gives a wave of nostalgia through my body.

Ahhhh I still can't believe it... I'm really going to college now.

My eyes scanned the place. The walls were painted in a warm shade of champagne and the place had huge floor-to-ceiling windows which made tons of natural light to make the place feel more cozy. I was already imagining all the furnitures I could buy to decorate this empty space. Just as I was dazing off to my daydream.

" Sav!!! " someone shouted from the hallways of the building.

Just by her voice I could already distiguish who the person was.

" Brooke " I greeted.

Brooke is my cousin and also my only bestfriend. We were together since we were born. She was only 5 months ahead yet she acts like she was atleast a year ahead of me.

" So this is OUR apartment? " she asked putting emphasis on the word 'OUR'.

" Yeah I guess so... " I sighed, well even though we were cousins and also bestfriends, Brooke was my complete opposite.

She likes to party while I enjoy the company of books and silence. She was disorganized and well I could say I was the complete opposite. She has tons of friends and loves to socialize while I was notorius for being the 'school loner and nerd' well I could say that me and Brooke do have the gift of intelligence though my IQ still was a little bit above hers.

We were completely opposites but we still get along a lot. We always have each others back and we were willing to fight for each other.

Enough of my life story lets get back to where we were. So as we did decide that we will be attending the same college, our parents decided that we should move in to a place near campus since our residence was a tad bit far from school they decided it was for the best and we agreed. Besides what could happen?

" BROOKE!!! " I shouted from the top of my lungs.

"WHAT?!" she shouted back from the kitchen.

" Your room is a complete mess!!! "

We only had been here for a couple of weeks yet Brooke's room was like a garbage pit. Her clothes were scattered everywhere and there were used cottonpads with evident makeup on them all over her vanity and her vanity itself is a mess!

How could she sleep with this kind of environment?

I started to pick up her clothes and put them in the ramper and cleaned her vanity. I also checked her bed to see if her comforter was still clean and it was and I also checked her closet to see if it was a mess but thankfully it wasn't. I got out of her room with the ramper on one hand and her garbage bin in the other, I dumped her garbage first and then headed to the laundry to wash our clothes.

The first few months went on like that until the opening was almost a week left. We went to shop for our school supplies and bought new clothes for school and Brooke being that partygirl she is also bought new clothes for club parties or sumthin.

Anyways it was only a day before school officially begins and I can't help to feel excited but nervous at the same time. I wasn't sure if I was going to fit in but I'll be giving it a try and we'll see how it goes.

Today was officially the first day of school. I can't believe it! I'm actually going to college! Although I hadn't slept a lot last night and all I did was to rosa and turn in my bed I was surprised that I still felt energized that morning. I woke up earlier that Brooke so I decided to cook her breakfast. I cooked bacon and eggs for Brooke and I made her coffee. I'm not a breakfast person so I only ate an apple and went to take a bath.

When I finished I started getting ready, I wasn't the kind to actually doll up for the first day so I just put powder on my face and a little liptint on my lips. I wore a simple blue top and a white skirt and just plain white speakers to match. I styled my hair with a bandana and after that I was all done. I grabbed my things and checked on my checklist if had forgotten something and once I was sure I grabbed my phone and went out of my room.

I saw Brooke putting her shoes on at the living room. After she finished up we checked the apartment and made sure it was secured before we headed out to the parking lot.

We went inside my car and we drive off. Campus was only 10 minutes away so it was a fast ride. When we arrived the parking lot was atleast half full already so we hurried. Good thing that me and Brooke decided to tour the campus while it was still summer break so it was easier to find our rooms.

Even though we were going to the same university, we still had different courses that we decided to take. I was going to take medicine and Brooke will be doing Architecture.

We went our separate ways and I started to find the building for my first class. I still had 30 minutes left so I wasn't panicking as much. But I was sure a heck I should've because there was only five minutes left and I still haven't found my assigned room yet. I started to rin as fast as I could not Carino if I bump into some students. I was running so fast that I didn't notice that there was a slippery floor sign on my way and unfortunately I slipped and fell on the floor bottoms first.

That hurt

As I was about to stood up a pair of arms grabbed my hand and lifted me from the floor.  Once I was up on my feet he picked up some of the things I had dropped and handed them to me.

"Thank you Mr.?" I asked obviously not knowing his name.

" Gabe " he answered with a smile.

"Thank you Gabe, for helping me" I said cheeks red feeling shy at him for seeing me fall at the ground for being careless of my surroundings.

"No worries Miss-??" he raised a brow waiting for my answer.

"Savannah" I offered him my hand and he took it.

I got so caught up with meeting this handsome stranger whom now had a name. I forgotten about my upcoming class.

"Fvck! I'm late! " I shouted I started to panic not knowing what to do. Well so much for being excited for first day.

I was in my train of thoughts when Gabe suddenly spoke.

"What course are you taking? " he asked.

"Medicine" I answered gloomly feeling stressed out that I won't be able to make it to my first class.

"You too?" he was shocked at my answer.

Well I guess I'm not the only one late for the first day.


First chapter is up! I hope you like it!

I'll see you guys in a few


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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