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Please forgive this lateness <3

It had been months. They only saw each other for work. But one day, going home after a particularly tiring mission, Curt saw Owen waiting outside his door, holding a couple sprigs of a plant.

He steeled himself as he neared.

"Owen," Curt said coolly.

"Curt." Owen took a step closer like he would embrace the American but hesitated. "Did Director Houston tell you?"

"About?" Curt asked warily, unlocking his door.

"I-I'm working for the American Secret Service now."

"Is that so? Fascinating." Curt made to close his door and Owen put his boot in to keep it ajar.


"I'm sorry. Please, just listen to what I have to say and then I can leave and we don't need to be anything more than coworkers."

Curt sighed. "Fine. Only if you fix us drinks."

Owen smiled a little and nodded.

Ten minutes later, they were settled into the couch.

"So?" Curt asked guardedly. "What do you want to say?"

"Um. Okay. Well, they kind of found out. About me."

Curt almost choked on his drink. "About-"

"Me being bisexual."


"Yeah. I had suspicions they knew. They don't know about you, though."

Curt nodded. It wasn't even what he had been concerned for, and Owen soothed him nonetheless.

"That's why..." Owen's hands tightened on the glass. "It's why I started to cut you off. I was scared they would punish you, or leak it. I didn't want you to be hurt. Even if the services were okay with it, you know, bad guys." His voice got weaker as he spoke. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wanted you, I want you, but it was for your safety. It wasn't for me. I wish we could still be together, I really do..."

"But Cynthia took you in," Curt said delicately, processing all of this.

"Yeah. She, uh, kind of threatened my old director if he would tell anyone. Made sure it was all hushed up. She's, um. I don't think she's gay, but she definitely supports."



"Okay." Curt sipped his drink. "So."

Owen looked at him carefully. "I'm sorry. I can go, thank you for listening and the, uh, drinks, and-"

"Owen." Curt laughed and put down his glass. "You're a damn fool."

Owen flushed. "Wh-What?"

"Can we not be together now?"

"I-I thought-"

Curt took one of his hands. "If you don't want to, we have Arborvitae. But consider it?"

"Y-Yeah. No, Curt- I love you. I want to be with you, I really do."

Curt grinned. "Seriously?"

"Yes." Owen put down his glass.

"Still a secret." Curt took his face in both hands and they leaned in so they were forehead to forehead. Owen smelled like the drinks and cigarette smoke and something a little floral.

"Of course. But, Curt, if they..."

"Owen. It's alright. I love you."

"I love you, too." Owen kissed him for a moment. "Curt?"


"You're crying."

Curt laughed and sniffed. "So are you."

They both pulled away a little and wiped their eyes.

"Oh-" Owen reached for the flowers, now a bit droopy. "Forget-me-not. It means-"

"You're a damn cliche. I know what it means."

Owen positively lit up.

They kissed again. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Arborvitae - unchanging friendship

Forget-me-not - true love memories, do not forget me

I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for your support, it truly inspires me to keep writing!


Here's why this is so late - it was done, and I was going to post it... but I blanked out and only posted it on AO3, not here. That's why it's late. I'm so so sorry please forgive meeee!!

I love you. This is the last part. Tysm for support!!

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