The beginning

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My mum loves me, she loves me very much. My dad on the other hand hates me. He hates me so much and I don’t know why. Ever since I was born he has hated me. I was just a new born. I had barely even opened my eyes let alone was able to speak for myself. He hated me. I hadn’t done anything to him. What could I have done? I was a new born for god sake!

I remember the day I was born like it was yesterday. I know it like the back of my hand. How could I forget! It was the best but worse day of my life.


Mum’s face lit up as soon as she saw me. Her face, so beautiful and calm. The face of a kind and caring mother who has just given birth to a baby she has always wished for. My father…Well no, not my father.

My father the man who never wanted me. Who didn’t love me and who wished I was never born.

As soon as I came out of my mother’s baby hole I didn’t know If I was glad I had arrived in the great big world or if I should have just crawled back into that tiny hole where I was living before mums water broke.

I knew. I just knew. Something deep inside of me told me something wasn’t right and I knew it had to do with my father. Don’t ask me how or why but you know when you get a gut feeling and most of the time you’re right. Well this was one of those moments.

He wouldn’t even touch me or a massive smile wouldn’t appear on his face whenever he looked at me, not even close!

When mum asked dad to take me for a while, cause she wasn’t feeling that well…she had just given birth, I don’t blame her in feeling sick or ill, he didn’t, he didn’t take me. That selfish bastard! Didn’t even want to help his wife out by touching me by holding me in his arms.

He looked angry and pissed off. So angry I could practically see the steam and fumes coming out of his ears and nose. Not a pretty site mind you.

That’s when I realised mum was starting to sweat and looked really pale in the face. She looked horrible to tell you the truth. Not her usual self.

Her pretty face is covered in beads of sweat and wrinkles are starting to form on her forehead. She looks scared and worried.

 I started crying, as babies do. Then mum started to cry. I don’t know why she started crying but maybe it was because I was crying so she felt the need to cry with me. I’m not sure.

I could hear Dads voice screaming for a nurse or doctor to quickly come in. Mum is now hyperventilating. Her breathing accelerating at a very fast rate.

The doctors and nurses came swarming in like a pack of bees.

People are screaming and shouting at one another. Mum is still crying but I had stopped crying at this stage and was only interested in mum and what the doctors and nurses were doing. I held my tiny veined hands up to mums face. Tears were sliding down her face. I was in ore at the water coming out of her eyes. I didn’t know if something was wrong with her eyes or if it was a gift. I didn’t understand. What was happening? Why was that stuff coming out of her eyes? Why was everyone screaming at one another and most of all why was my father mad or angry at me? I was so confused.

She was holding me tight to her. She didn’t want to let go but she had to because the nurses needed to take me away.

As they ripped me away from my mother she whispered into my tiny barely noticeable ear. “It’s alright hunny, mummy will be fine, she will look after you, and if she doesn’t then daddy will. Daddy loves you and I love you!”

The thing she didn’t know that day was how wrong she was on saying “Daddy loves you”.

A/N: Thank you guys! I love you all! Happy New Year to you all. Have a great 2015 and i wish you al the best. Xx

Sorry for the short chapter. The chapters will become bigger and longer and more detailed as i go on. I'm just giving you guys a feel for it. I promise. Please vote and leave comments if you like my book or want to give suggestions and feedback. I would love to hear what you guys think of my new book. Thank you once again and Happy New Year Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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