Chapter One

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For the first time in ages, Imogen hadn't felt the need to have a hand to hold while she accomplished a hard task. Her brow creased as she concentrated on the books she was studying to become better. "Imogen! Imogen!" Isobel barged through the doors of the library, breathing as if she had run all the way across the institution. Imogen raised an eyebrow in concern. "What is the trouble, Isobel? You've come charging in here like a madman, out of breath as if you've just ran against the time." Isobel's already wide eyes widened even more, before her thin mouth broke into a smile. "Imogen, they've agreed to let the institution hold more people. They're will be more than just Luella, Augustus, and Adelia to keep us company!" Isobel's already bright smile seemed to brighten even more. Her cheeks flushed red with excitement as she clapped her hands together. "Oh, Imogen isn't that just lovely?" Her eyes seemed to be smiling along with her mouth. If someone were to look at Isobel, they would surely see someone in love. Imogen frowned, knowing that more people coming would take away even more attention. Her parents, Augustus and Luella LaFontaine, seemed to pay more attention to Adelia ever since she had gotten here; Imogen felt as if the only person in the world who cared for her was Isobel. Imogen sighed, wishing Isobel's happiness wasn't contagious. "Isobel, have you considered that the more of us that stay in the institution the less fortunate we are to become better than we are now? Adelia has already taken so much of my mother and father's attention that I feel as if anymore would take away an indication that we live here at all!" Imogen could feel her cheeks flushing with anger and quickly ducked her head down, hoping that her red locks would cover the redness in her cheeks. Isobel needn't know how much Imogen despised Adelia since she arrived. Isobel frowned. "But, Imogen, I thought you would be glad. You've always went on and on about meeting a wholly good man that would court you and ask for your hand in marriage. This could be the start of that, Imogen. We could become two beautiful brides. We co-" "No! Isobel, don't you see?! I cannot stand the thought of living here while Adelia acts as if she has done nothing wrong. Like she hasn't waltzed into my family's life and stolen the only thing good I had left! Luella used to come into my room every morning, singing such wonderful and beautiful songs. She hasn't sung to me in 4 years, Isobel! Its because of that treacherous Adelia Gillepsie and her ungratefulness!" By this time, Imogen had risen to her feet, cheeks flushed, brighter than Rudoph's nose, with anger. Her breath came ragged, as if she had just take Persephone for a run up a very steep hill. Isobel stared in shock, her mouth opening and closing; Isobel was, for once, without words. Imogen bent down to pick up the book she had been studying before Isobel barged in when the door opened. In the doorway stood a very angry Luella Gillepsie-LaFontaine.

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