Chapter 2

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sorry i have had alot of stuff going on and i have been reading other stories to get ideas and plus i just got really into some of them. haha and i am just trying to have a great story for you guys.


I can't believe what I just heard. Did I hear him right?

"Excuse me, but I don't think I heard you right?" I mean honestly I thought Tristan was joking.

"No. Ana. Look I would love to explain the specifics to you right now, but really? I am just trying to get you and our pup to safety. I have a lot of enemies, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to..."

He just looked at my stomach. Then at my face as if that one night we spent together, was the night we declared we love one another.

"No offence pal. but I can keep myself safe. And, I am pretty damn sure that I can keep my child safe. You forget that I am carrying this child, and that I have a bond with our son/daughter that you don't have yet."

I glared at him then with my death stare. I knew that what I said was a little hurtful, but really? Did he have to pretty much tell me I can't protect my child? My child that I AM CARRYING.

"Ana..." Tristan says. "That isn't fair. You know I didn't mean it like that. And, just in case your forgetting I am the father, and I am a werewolf, that is also a lycan, which is the rarest type of wolf in the world. It is nearly impossible for our mates to get pregnant. This is why I am taking you to my house. I can't risk you getting hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You and that child are my life now."

I didn't want to talk the rest of the way to where ever he was taking me. I just knew I needed to think about what he said. I mean I understand the kid is his life now I can't help but blush at the thought that he said that. But, I also need to think if it is the right thing to allow him to just take me like this. It's completely wrong of him to do this to me, and I hate it when people do things without me knowing what we are doing or going. But, then again if conceiving whatever type of wolf breed I am carrying then maybe I should let him. I mean he is only thinking about whats best for out child.



"Were here."


Tristan's house was huge. Like millionaire huge. It was green with brown shudders, and he had a lot of trees in his yard. Of course, when I was just starring at this beauty Tristan had to completely ruin it by talking.

"Come on. It's cold outside, and I don't want you getting sick."

"Thanks for the concern Tristan, but I have a jacket on for a reason."

"Ana... Don't argue with me. I said to get inside. Don't make me carry you inside."

"Whatever Tristan."

I waited for him to unlock the door. Then he walked inside and I followed right after him. He led me to the living room area. Where he sat down on his couch and I remained standing.

"You know you can sit down."

I just ignored him and sat down on the opposite end of the couch. I got started thinking about our baby. The thing growing inside of me. This beautiful creation of life. It may be half werewolf, but I still cherished my son/daughter. I felt as if I already had a bond with him/her. As if, they knew what mood I was in, or if I needed some strength for some reason I would get it. Then I looked over at Tristan for the shortest second, and saw he was smiling at me.

"What are you smiling at? I'm not doing anything..."

"Actually Ana, you are though. I can see it in your facial expression that you were thinking, and I could see you blush slightly...What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about our baby."

Then all the sudden I felt this terrible pain in my head. It was so terrible I screamed. I was sure Tristan was going to do something, so I put my hands out and screamed"LEAVE ME BE. I DONT WANT TO MOVE!!!"

Then as if the pain wasn't bad enough. I could fell myself falling into the darkness. I could hear different voices, but I didn't understand what they were saying.

Then the darkness engulfed me.

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