chapter 6: curing the curse

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gundham left the dark devas around sonia, took off his scarf, and prepared for his kiss, he got very nervious, and red as a beet, so he counted to 3, and then kissed her, he immediatly put on his scarf, hiding his face as he could as much, after afew seconds he heard something "where ami? why am i in a coffin" thankfully gundham stopped blushing at that moment so he yelled "fuhahahaha! i have cured you from the underworld curse from the devil!" "thank you so much!" she got up from the coffin and walked over to him "might i ask for your name" "i see, your courage is huge to go near the supreme overlord or ice, kehehe, for your recklessness i shall give you my name,for the tanaka empire, the name is gundham tanaka! after ahwile, they spoke and then they agreed for gundham to carry her to the castle again

"who might come!" said the queen, with the gaurds letting in gundham and sonia "fuahahahaha! i have save your daughter from the curse of the devil! might she keeps being alive!" mikan overheard this and asked "you kissed s-sonia on the lips correct? t-thats the way to cure her!" gundham immeditaly hid his face in his scarf sonia looks at him, shocked "i had to do what it must to save her! kehehe!" "well nevertheless thanks for saving our daughterafter that, from time to time sonia would visit him alot, at one point he asks her if he can marry her, excpecting to be declined, she said yes

snow white but its sonia x gundhamWhere stories live. Discover now