Are you tired of me yet? part two

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Betty's pov:

I got to the hospital and we had to wait because he was being helped. Archie and Veronica were there. They were with me at school when Jughead couldn't go. Veronica sat next to me and just kept saying he's going to be okay. I layed down on her shoulder and started singing, "are you tired of me yet?" She didn't know what I was doing but didn't question it. "I'm a little sick right now but I swear, w-when I'm r-ready I will fly us out of here." I just started crying. Why did this have to happen on my birthday.

We were all sat there for an hour when the doctor came out. "Anyone for Jughead Jones?" Everyone in the waiting room turned around waiting for him to speak. I was scared about what he was going to say. "He's in a coma, but he has a slight chance of actually waking up. I stood up still crying,"can I see him?" He nodded and took me to his room. Seeing him with all those tubes and machines on him broke my heart. I went sat on the chair.

I held his hand. "Don't leave me juggie. You can't do that to me or your family. You have to wake up and come home. We need you, I need you. I-i love you juggie." Tears were pouring out of my eyes. "Don't die not on my birthday, you have to wake up, go home, grow up, have a family please juggie." I started to sing our song again until the machine started to make a long beep I looked at what it was and it was for his heart meaning his heart stopped. I called for the doctors and they told me I had to leave the room. I walked into the waiting room and everyone came and hugged me asking what just happened because they saw doctors rushing in. "H-he f-flatlined" I started sobbing as everyone was hugging me. We had been at the hospital for 3 hours and it was around 1pm so my mom took me home to get comfortable clothes on.

I didn't go to my house. I walked into the Jones's and straight into jugheads room. I grabbed his S t-shirt  and some of his jogging pants and his beanie. As I picked up the beanie underneath it was some letters one for fp, jellybean, his mom, and me. I grabbed them all got changed and walked back to the car. My mom knew I would put his clothes on. She looked at the letters in my hand. "What are those?" She asked confused. "I don't know but they have names on it so imma give it to them." She nodded I started crying at the scent of his clothes not knowing if I'm going to hug him again. "I'm sorry this had to happen on your birthday" I started crying even more.

We got to the hospital and everyone had already guessed I would be wearing his clothes. I walked over to the Jones's and handed them the letters. "They were on jugheads nightstand" they nodded and read them. I was scared to read it because if they were crying then I would cry even more. I opened the letter carefully and read it:

Dear Betty,
        If your reading this I'm either dead or in hospital. I'm guessing your wearing my clothes right now. Keep my beanie and use my clothes whenever. I knew I didn't have long because when I was first in hospital they told my mom that I probably won't like past eighteen. I had a feeling that that horrifying day will come sooner. I don't want you to stop singing our song. I recorded it on my phone so that you can hear me sing it. I'm sorry this had to happen, but Betty I love you. I've had a crush on you since we were both nine. I didn't want to say anything and ruin our relationship. I don't want you to cry over me forever. I'm going to write this here so you don't forget it, are you tired of me yet, I'm a little sick right now but I swear, when I'm ready I will fly us out of here. I love you Elizabeth Cooper

From juggie <3 ps go to pop's as much as you can without me. I know it'll be hard but do it for me. I love you.

I couldn't help but scream into my mom's shoulder. The tears wouldn't stop rolling down my face. The doctor had came out with a sad face. We all looked hoping it wasn't bad news. "I'm sorry, we did everything we could." Everyone broke down crying. I just ran to his room and held his had again. "Why juggie? You left. I read your letter and I love you too. I was scared to say anything because of the same reason. Just come home. Please juggie you can't leave me here alone." I was sobbing like I hadn't before, like I was about to throw up. The doctors came in and told me I wasn't supposed to be in there.

When we got home I ran to my room, grabbed my phone and juggie's phone and the pictures on my wall of us. I went straight outside and sat in our den, which I was balling my eyes again thinking that he used to sit in here. I played the recording of our song on his phone for hours, crying and looking at all of our pictures together.

One year later

I was at juggie's grave. I had gone there every day sitting with him and talking to him like we used to. I was crying obviously. I would also sing our song. "I still sit out in the den. Your phone's in there along with your clothes and picture of us. I have been wearing your clothes non-stop. I don't think I've worn my clothes since my birthday last year. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream. I'm trying to be strong but it's getting harder to live without you." I sat there singing the song for the rest of the day untill my mom picked me up.

No one has recovered from his death. And I don't want to ever celebrate my birthday ever again it is the worst day of the year.  I'm now 18 and he would be too. I can't sleep most nights because he's in my dreams. They're of the day he died.

I will visit him everyday. I will sing our song all the time. I will never forget you Jughead Jones. 

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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