Burn - Ahsoka, Lux and Rex

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Authors Note: The chapter is based on 'Burn' from Hamilton, so I highly recommend you listening to it while you're reading. 

Ahsoka stood on front of the large glass window on the ship, vaguely watching the hyperspace vortex spinning, the blue and black melding together until it was no longer distinguishable. She was in the main hanger, many troopers surrounding her as they took a few moments of rest after arriving on board after their last mission. They had lost a lot of good men down there again, but their efforts didn't go in vain as they had managed to recapture and secure the outpost, earning the Republic another victory.

Even though losing her men caused her a great deal of pain, that wasn't what was causing her the most pain. She clutched a data pad in her hand as the tears threatened to spill, Ahsoka didn't want to lose it on front of her men, but she wasn't sure just how much control she had left.

Hurt. Betrayal. Loss.

She squeezed her eyes tightly as the numerous feelings overwhelmed her, taking control of her body. She didn't know how this could of happened, Ahsoka had trustedhim, even after everything he had done to her in the past, she thought he had changed but of course she had to learn the hard way. Rex and Anakin had been right, he wasn't to be trusted. Now here she was, in the hanger with her men and about to have an emotional breakdown.

Ahsoka took a shaky breath as she reopened her eyes and looked down at the data pad in her hands, she had been browsing the holonet, checking the various news sites for any further updates on battles raging through the galaxy, she had been about to click off the page when a surprising heading caught her eye.

Senator Bonteri Comes Clean!

Lux Bonteri, the Senator of Onderon, has published a rather scandalized letter admitting to his mistakes and indiscretions. In an inclusive interview with the young Senator, he admitted he had made a lot of errors recently which had resulted in an attempt of black mail from a citizen whom he had trusted.

"I want to admit to my wrong doings before this goes any further, and before it hurts more people than it should" The Senator admitted.

Published below is the Senator's brief, but detailed, admission and he has asked for those who read it to not think of him any less, he is human just like everyone else.

"It has come to my attention that there is a certain individual within Onderon who has discovered a secret of mine, a horrid and well kept secret I must add. This person is using their knowledge to attempt to black mail and extort me. I regret to say that for a time, I bent to their will and I have been paying them off to keep the information out of the public and out of my personal life.

This was wrong of me. I am a Senator and the people of my planet trust me to do the right thing and make the right decisions. But I haven't been making the right decisions as of late. And it is with a heavy heart that I must make a confession.

Before I do this, I dare appeal to my fellow citizens, to the people who trusted me...and my darling partner, Ahsoka Tano of the Jedi Order. I am a man whose character has been marked by indifference, some people thought I was too young to become a Rebel or to become a Senator. My age and my maturity were brought into question, and even my past mistakes. Therefore, it was naturl for me to expect criticism and opposition, the people don't like change after all.

When stepping into office, I didn't expect to be met with much happiness or respect, the people of Onderon have long been suffering and it took me a long time to finally realize just how much they were suffering before finally acting and stepping up to defend them.

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