Middle school.

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A/N: I don't know if it's called middle school, junior high, or secondary school. Like why the hell are the so many names for a bloody school. Plus I'm British so when I write 'mum' I'm spelling it correctly. I also don't know much about pregnancy so I'm trying my best here.

~ Izuku's pov ~

It's been about 3 1/2 weeks since me and Kacchan has sex and it relatively the same however my beatings aren't as bad and not as often and every now and then I catch him glancing at me. It's kind of cute.

School had just started and I'm starting to feel sick I raise my hand quickly but the teacher ignore me as usual because they think I'm quirkless.

'Shit I need to leave now or I'm going to puke here.'

It's her fault for ignoring me. I ran out the classroom and everyone stares at me, including the teacher who was shouting at me to come back, which I ignored and ran to the nearest bathroom where I puked my guts out.

The teacher followed me in, I'm guessing she heard me throwing up and when she came in she saw me puking over a toilet and starts apologising which was a bit weird to be honest.

She started rubbing my back and moving my long wavy green hair out my face.

After about 10minutes I started feeling better and she helped me up as I flushed the toilet and she escorted me back to class after I washed my face with the sink water.

When we got into class INFRONT OF EVERYONE! She told me to grab my stuff and go home and she would call my mum.

But I told her not to because she's at work and I will just wait for at home.

She tried to argue but eventually gave in. People looked at me confused but no-one really cared about me going home or arguing with the teacher.

As I got my stuff and started to leave the teacher shouted "feel better soon." Kacchan gave me a questioning look but I just...

I thanked her and started walking home. When I got home I immediately passed out on the sofa and waited for my mum to get home.

~ Time skip. ~

I woke up to my mum shaking me gently.

"M-mum." -Iz

"Honey why aren't you in school?" -In

"I got sent home because I was being sick in the toilet." -Iz

"Oh dear, lets go to the doctors. It could be one if your quirks acting up again, you should use them more to get more control." -In

"I know, I will. Also you know how you said I could get a career in music I thought for the time being to help with money I could start posting on YouTube some of my original songs." -Iz

"Sure honey now let's go." -In

We got in the car and started heading to the doctors we went to the AnE. And waited to be seen.

The doctor came in and couldn't really find a problem. I'm not Ill, I don't have a cold or cough or anything so they tried one more thing.

~No-ones pov.~

Izuku, Inko and the doctor were talking.

"Look Midoriya's I honestly don't know what's wrong, there is only one possible answer to these symptoms but you are only 14, so I don't know."

"What could it be doctor?" -In

"This question is a little personal but Izuku?" -Doc


"Have you had........ sex and if so was it with a....... male?" -Doc

Izuku started choking on air and blushing like crazy. Inko was about to interject but was cute of by Izuku looking down and mumbling.

"Y-yes." -Iz

Inko was shocked by her sons actions but was secretly hoping it was Katsuki. ☺️

"Well then I should tell you, you are too young to have sex but right now go to the bathroom and pee on this then cone back." -Doc

"O-okay." Izuku grabs the stick and goes to the bathroom and then comes back and passes the stick to the doctor.

"Soo?" -In

Inko asked knowing what the stock was but Izuku was being innocent at the time and didn't understand.

"It is positive?" -Doc

"Wait? Really?" -In

"Yes." -Doc

Inko started crying with happiness while her son just looked at her confused.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" -Iz

"Izuku darling, you are pregnant."-In

"Wait, what? Really?" -Iz

"Considering you are a guy, this must be a quirk. So you may be able to know about the pregnancy try looking." -Doc

"Wait! I also have pregnancy quirk, why the hell do I have so many quirks?!" -Iz

"I don't know honey. Just look, pleaseeeeee." -In

"Okay okay."-Iz

"Quirk is called pregnancy helper. It can allow people the ability to get pregnant and help overs get pregnant it can show how many and gender of you want. Your body will also do as much as it can to make it survive so a very low risk of losing the baby." -Iz

"I think I want to know how many but not genders, what do you think mum?" -Iz

"Sounds perfect darling." -In

Izuku looks down at his stomach than his eyes glow golden and he starts to cry aswell.

"It's twins." -Iz

"I'm going to be a grandmother." -In

"You are like the only mother I have met that is happy for their teenage child to be pregnant"- the doctor says giggling to himself.

The all start laughing together.

Inko hugs her son then the doctor and thanks him then they leave to go home.

"Mum we need to get more money if we are going to raise twins, I think I should start the singing job and around 4months in hopefully I will be able to have enough money and then start again after I recover from the birth." -Iz

"Sounds good sweetheart, but who's the father?" -In

"Look, he told me that he loved me but isn't ready for a relationship yet, so I don't think we should tell him." -Iz

"Okay Izuku but I need to know who?" -In

"Kacchan." -Iz

"YES!!!!!!!!! He's the only one I would been happy with to be honest." -In

Izuku starts laughing at his mother's antics and they have a really happy day just hanging out with each other until the next day comes around.

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