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A lot of times I keep hearing this claim of a woman's clothes/appearance being also responsible for her to be likely raped and sexually assaulted amongst other reasons. It's just ridiculous.

I've tried so much to refute this claim which also still stands for me because no sane human being should be moved to want to go as far as rape someone because of the way they're dressed. It shows you're sick in the head, undisciplined, lack absolute self control, not normal and literally evil.

And I'll say this to women, I don't think it's out of line to apply a little caution in protecting yourself from the evil world. Know how to dress up in certain places and environment. You're only doing that to protect yourself. There are alot of sick people out there. Some people aren't normal. If everyone was normal, we won't be having this discussion. No one would have to bother whether they're to dress up like this or like that. Avoid those dresses that are termed 'provocative/revealing'. Know when and where to wear certain dresses.

But after all said and done, I believe a rapist is a rapist regardless. They're moved by anything and they can sexually assault anyone.

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