Cap 1

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"Again Erick! Again can you believe that?!"

He could. Erick never has a hard time believing that his best friend Paloma has gotten played. She falls in love with any boy that does so much as look at her. It's just who she was.

"Oh Paloma I'm sorry to hear that"

Throughout the years he's learned to just nod his head when she rants about the guy who "broke her heart".

Every time she told him about a guy who either cheated or was just using her,he couldn't help but think "I would never do that to you" of course he could never actually tell her that.

Ericks role in Paloma's life is best friend. Nothing more. The two would have sleepovers every Friday night. That's what they were doing right now,and every Friday night Paloma tells him about a guy she likes or a guy who just left her.

Thanks to being with so many guys since freshman year Paloma has gotten the title of well...Hoe. Erick hates that that's what people see to be his best friend,but were they wrong?
If you ask Erick he would say "Of course they're wrong Paloma is an amazing kind beautiful person not a hoe" but if you ask the girls at "Miami High school" they would all say "oh yeah she's the worst she's taken every girls boyfriend and every week she's giving her coochie to a different boy"

But what most people don't know is that Paloma comes from a broken family. That's why she's with so many guys. She looks for the love that she doesn't get from her mom or her dad. Little does she know that she could get all of that and more from the only boy at her school that she hasn't yet been with.


I hope you like the first chapter of my new story Best Friends don't forget to vote and thanks for reading chicas. 😘

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