Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading Hope is the Thing with Feathers. I was so happy to return to the Animal Crossing world once more to write, and I was even happier to see so many of you enjoy this story! I'm assuming many of the increased reads had to do with New Horizons dropping, but regardless of how you came to find this story, I want to thank each and every one of you that read, commented, liked, etc. Your support means a lot and was very encouraging as I took on this project.

You'll notice I omitted any New Horizons lore from this novella. I planned it out before New Horizons dropped, and even then, not every character has made an appearance yet in the game. Still holding on for Brewster! I can't promise it, but if we finally do get the characters reunited, perhaps I will write a little bonus chapter to include New Horizons, just as I did forThe Able Sisters a few months back.

I don't have any more Animal Crossing fanfic planned for right now, but I also never planned on writing this novella and here we are, so I wouldn't get your hopes up that there won't be more Animal Crossing content from me in the future.

Thank you again for all your support!


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