Baby Come Back! || Sokka

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The beautiful sun rose high and bright in the city of Ba Sing Se. As I awoke to the rays of sun shining through my window, accompanied by the birds, I yawn, sitting up. Another day, another dreadful wait on the earth King, but! Hopefully we can make our way to the earth king today to tell him about our news we discovered to attack the fire nation.

I stretch, getting up, walking over to the window to see a bird chirping on the windowsill. I smile, walking back to get dressed and do the usual morning routine. As I finished getting dressed and brushing my hair, I heard muffled voices outside. I slide open the door to face the living room where the gaang stood talking. "Well good morning!" I say with a smile, walking over towards them. Their heads turned to me and they returned a smile. "Good morning Y/N!" Aang says with a grin. "Morning!" Katara replies. I walk pass Aang and Katara to face Sokka. "And good morning to my fierce warrior." I say with a bigger smile, giving him a quick kiss. "Ugh. Really?" Katara says disgusted. Sokka ignored his sister and kissed me back, hugging me tightly. "And good morning to you too." He replied, holding me close to him. "Oh please! Save that garbage to yourself, it's embarrassing." Katara adds.

Sokka and I roll our eyes. We know Katara doesn't actually mean it, but she finds it hard to believe that her brother can ever find and date someone like me. "Oh come on Katara you're just upset because your boyfriend lied about who he was and turned against us." Sokka said. I turn around to face Katara, hands still wrapped around Sokka. "Katara I know your upset Jet left and betrayed us-" I began to say until Katara cut me off. "Jett is and was not my boyfriend!" She said making fists. "Riiiigght." Sokka answers. I giggle, making Sokka smile. Katara rolls her eyes. "Don't you two have somewhere to go?" She asks trying to get rid of us. I gasp. "Actually yes! Sokka and I are going to walk around the city, maybe find a few things for this place." I say looking around the house. Sokka shakes his head. "Actually maybe we can skip the walk?" He asks walking towards his room going in. Confused and surprised, I see Sokka again, coming out of his room with his boomerang. "I need clean her up and sharpen her." He says wiping the blade. "Oh, it's okay." I replied. Feeling a bit down, I turn to kiss Sokka again and hug him, this time for comfort when he suddenly shakes me off of him. "Sokka!" I say surprised and offended. "Hold on Y/N. I'm cleaning my boomerang." He says turning his attention to his boomerang. Annoyed that he didn't want to kiss me I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to be in my room if anyone needs me." Sokka says walking back to his room with his eyes fixated on his boomerang. Ignoring Sokka, I turn to Katara. "So Katara, any new places you've discovered where we should check it out in the city?" I ask her. Katara smiled. "Oh yes! I saw this small nice tea shop in the city. I've been meaning to go in and check it out, but I haven't had the time to. I heard the tea there is great." She says. I nod. "Yeah I heard that from the people around the city. Maybe we can go and check it out later on." I suggest. Katara nods. "Yes definitely."

Suddenly a gust of wind comes by and Aang appears. "Breakfast is ready!" He says cheerfully pointing towards the table. "Food!" Sokka says running out of his room towards the table. Turning our heads towards the table, Sokka sits down quickly and begins to feast. "Oh Aang, how thoughtful." Katara says walking towards the table. I look at Aang and smile. "You didn't need to." I say, grabbing his hand guiding him towards the table. As we sat down, we began munching away at the goodies that were placed. Out of nowhere, Momo comes out of Sokka's room with his boomerang and starts running around the living room with it. "Momo! What are you doing with Sokka's boomerme?" Aang asks while chuckling. Katara chucked as I smiled. Sokka's attention quickly turns to Momo as he gasps. "Momo! That is not a toy and you know that!" He says, getting up from the table as he chases Momo around. "Sokka and his boomerang." I say annoyed continuing to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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