~Chapter 2~

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Chapter 2

My pace picks up as I rush back to my apartment. How could this of happened, how do they know? I try and calm myself down by replaying over and over in my head that its a stupid prank, but what if I'm wrong, what if someone does know out there.

I start to panick even more; I can't go to jail!

My breathing gets heavier and i grab people's attention on the footpath as I rush past without a care.

I finally reach my apartment block and went inside seeing that the perky blonde is still there, I don't have time for her.

She leans forwards out of her chair while I go past her.

"Wait" she yells.

To my surprise I stop and turn to face her.

"What do you want this time?!?" I snap getting annoyed at her all over again.

She rolls her eyes at me, probably because of my addiude.

" there was a passel left at you door..."

The tension lowers as I become more suspicious, could it be from who ever this person is that is trying to scare me.

" who is it from?" I ask confused.

She lowers her stare at me "how the hell am I suppose to know!?!" She snaps

My blood boils, I try an calm myself down from doing anything stupid that I'm going to regret.

"You know you don't have to be stuck up about it I was just asking" I reply while I ran off; leaving her.

I storm up the flight stairs angryliy making a ruckess. I am so sick of everyone, while I'm thinking about the two nosed bitch I come as cross a passel on the ground, must of been the one she was talking about. My thoughts soon get filled by the note I was left by someone, I can't help but think how impossible it is anyway, know one was there except mason and I, how do they know? Unless mason told something.... Or it could just be a stupid joke that will pass over time.

I smile to myself, yer that's probably what it is. I snap out of my trout and focus my attention back on the passel that is lying on my door step. I bend down and pick it up; looking at what it says on the front.

Black cursive letters stand out; making it look fancy.

'To my dearest, cierra'

I flinch at the way it's set out, already deciding its probably from my mother.

I take my key out of my pocket an unlock the door, taking the passel in under my arm. I lock the door behind me and place the key on the counter; in the kitchen, suddenly interested in opening this passel.

I flopped down on my couch and sink in with the passel in my hand. I toke a deep breath getting ready for what was inside, even if it was from my mother.

Ripping open the slab I pull out a piece of paper, already I know this is not from my mother.

Written from what seems to be cut out letters from magazines, were space out.

" To my dearest, Cierra.

Did you get my message. No this is now joke this is very real. I know everything. And if you you do as I say it shall be kept that way. Your my puppet. Funny isn't it? I control you.

My rules are simple.

Do as I say

Don't tell a soul

Don't go to the police

If you brake my rules, there will be concicencise, I can a sure that.

My Revenge is a dish best served cold."

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