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What up ✌️😌✌️ (sorry for not publishing sooner lol I got distracted by my gf)

"Hey" Roger walked up to Camila patting her on the back leading her into a familiar night club

"What's up Roger" Camilla responded as they made their way over to the man standing outside a door

"The sky" Camila rolled her eyes at Rogers answer as the two made their way down the stairs wincing once they heard cheers as two fighters duke it out

"Well get changed" Roger pushes Camila away softly and walks away to go talk to some important people

As Camila's walks out of the locker room she sees Austin blushing as Greyson winks at him she then turns and sees Shawn talking to a guy a few inches shorter than him

"Hey Shawny boy whatcha blushing about" Camila ran up to Shawn and wrapped her left arm around Shawns shoulders and used her free hand to pinch his flaming cheeks

"Come on dude go" Shawn groans smacking Camila's hand away she chuckled and walked away getting ready for her fight

"Sorry about that" Camila heard Shawn a few steps behind her

"No she's fine and you're really cute" Camila heard the shorter man giggle as he compliments Shawn

"" Camila turns and sees Shawn grabbing the guys wrist before he could walk away

"Do you want to go on a date with me sometime?" Camila grinned proud of Shawn for actually spitting it out when Shawn asked her out he just stuttered and never got it out she had to figure out what he was saying and gently let him down

"Sure text me see ya later Shawn" The short guy leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and walked away towards a group of guys one guy Camila realized was Zayn she gulped maybe Shawn really shouldn't be going out with this guy

"See ya Niall" Shawn waves and once the guy Niall turned around he fist bumped the sky he blushed in embarrassment once he made eye contact with Camila he cleared his throat and walked away with his head down

Camila chuckled twisting around eyeing the people around her

"First opponent Star" Star looked like a girl Camilas seen before but she couldn't place a finger on it

"Second opponent Galactica" Said girl smirked as she ran up onto the ring hearing the crowd go crazy

After the fight Camila found Star harder to fight than normal but she still won she got her money gave Zayn half and got undressed putting her normal clothes on

"Hey!" Camila jumped once she heard a voice she turned and saw Star with her mask off with her hood off as well

"Nice fight Galactica" Camila's eyes go wide as Star winked at her walking further into the locker room and into a changing stall

"How'd you know?" Camila asked

"That is was you?" Even though the girl behind the changing stall couldn't see her Camila nodded

"Simple you're body shape you're eyes the way you walk things people don't notice that reveal you" Star walked out of the changing stall walking past Camila to the sink washing her hands

"So you're fine with people knowing who you are?" Camila asked taking a step back as Star turned around

"Yup I'm fine with it and I'm Halsey"The girl across from Camila sticking out her hand for a hand shake

"I'm Camila" Camila said after she looked around for anyone shaking Halsey's hand

"Trust me I won't say a word" Hasley winked before turning walking out of the locker room with her bag on her shoulder

Camila still couldn't but a finger on where she's seen the girl

(Sorry I didn't want to write a lot about the fight you know like I did in the first book lol anyway tell me what you think and don't forget to vote)

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