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Monday was a new day and also the start of summer practice. Jeremiah was again dragging his group of friends to his practice for another year.

He was the shooting guard at McEachern High. He wasn't on a platform or had a fanbase as big as his teammate's, Sharife Cooper, but he could say a few people knew him.

He was trained alongside Sharife by his father, Omar Cooper, who took him in under his wing during his first year on varsity which was his junior year.

Everyone made sure to get up early for Jeremiah, knowing he would get penalized if he was late.

Despite being up a while, Camden was still sluggish considering she wasn't a morning person and had to drag herself around to get dressed.

It was around 8AM and the crew was on their way to Ron Anderson Rec. It didn't usually open until 12PM, but no one asked questions because this was Omar Cooper they were talking about.

They made it to the rec center around 8:30, which made Jeremiah thirty minutes early.

The group walked into the building they had grown to see every summer for the past two years of their lives. Jeremiah went to the locker room while the rest made their way to the sidelines.

"BIG O," Que yelled.

He was talking on the court with three boys and a girl.

Omar Sr. looked up to see the kids he treated like family. As he walked over, the ones with him followed.

"This is my other son, Omar Jr. and this is Sharife's friend, Josh from Cali—"

"Waddup!" Jeremiah shouted as he walked out the locker room.

"Aht, aht! One thang ya don't do is interrupt Big O when he speaking." Ty told him.

"Mhmm? Yo son you say?" G eyed Omar Jr.

"Twins," Big O answered.

G, Ty, Que, and J-Baby moved from around Camden to go talk. She was eating and she got real upset when people interrupted.

"Hi!" Josh greeted. "Can I have some of your sandwhich?"

Camden looked at the boy who asked. He had very plump lips that complemented the structure of his face and the small beard and mustache that was trying to grow on it.

Generally, she would've said no. But him and his smile was so adorable that she found it hard to fix her mouth to say "no."

"Thank you." Josh cheesed harder, if that was even possible as she gave him the uneaten half.

"Gimme some cause on god Camden make a mean ass sammitch"

"Mmcht...here," he tore a corner off for T'ea.

"Joshua can't never have nun to himself. Can't even have my bald daddy to myself."

"HOLDUP? Nigga that's my bald ass daddy! Laron in Lakewood somewhere looking beat up." Sharife cackled.

"I bet Laron Christopher don't look beat up and that's on Kindall Cooper!"

"Stop playing with my wife, boy!" Big O screeched, chucking a ball his way.

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