Chapter 33

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My head is killing me, iv'e waken up but I'm too scared to open my eyes.  I don't want to know where I am but I know I won't be with Lucas. 

Slowly I stand up, I was slumped against a wall on the floor of what looks like a luxurious room. I walk towards the big window that is currently the only light source in the room, it's a pretty dark room so I think it must be either early morning or early evening. 

I look out at the view and all I can see is snow. Snow everywhere, nothing else apart from it. The building is on a kind of hill but it is the only hill around, the rest of the scenery is just flat and absolutely covered in thick white snow. 

I look down and below I can see around 10 ski mobiles but no cars, that lessens my chance of escape, I've never even ridden on a jet ski let alone a ski mobile before. 

The door behind me opens and an old and stern looking lady walks in. 

"Get dressed" she says in a heavy Russian accent, she tosses a red dress onto the bed

I don't move, I expect her to leave me alone but she doesn't 

"Now" She adds impatiently 

There is something about her and her voice that terrifies me so I do what she says. She stays the whole time while I am getting changed, staring right at me. 

"Follow me" she spits out like she's talking to a prisoner. Well actually I guess right now I am a prisoner even though iv'e done nothing wrong. 

I follow the lady through a very twisty and turny hallway down a couple of lights of stairs until we finally reach what I'm guessing is the destination. 

It's kind of like a waiting area outside of a big room. I can hear people laughing and cheering inside but the big doors are blocking my view from what is inside. 

"Wait here" the lady says with more venom in her voice than in a cobra. She walks through the big doors and leaves me standing here by myself. 

I do as she says because I know that right now I have no chance of escaping and if I try it would just end in me getting hurt or my friends being hurt. 

There are a few paintings on the wall, all of very serious looking men and women. In the corner a small table holds up an antique looking ashtray while a big gold and red rug lays on the otherwise stone ground. 

After a couple if minuets she comes back

"Walk straight to Igor and don't stop. Keep your head down and do not look at anyone"she opens the door and shoves me through. 

I'm not wearing any shoes or socks so my bare feet get a fright from the stone ground as I had been standing on the rug previously. 

The lady slams the door shut behind me, I clumsy start walking trying to keep my head down. 

From what I can gather the room is filled with people and I am right in the middle of it. This is not good. 

"Ah, my beautiful bride, come, sit" Igor says when I reach him

He gestures to a seat next to him that is free. I walk around the table and sit down next to him. The room is layed out like the hall in Harry Potter, it has one big table at the end that is side ways and then many long and skinny tables filled with people that are long ways. 

As I sit down next to him he takes my hand and shoves a ring on my finger forcefully. 

"This is our engagement ring, don't take it off unless I tell you to" he says, then he starts speaking Russian again to the other people sitting at the table. 

Everyone else has food and drink in front of them except me which is making me release how hungry I am.

It stays this way for at least another hour until waiters come and take everyones plates away. 

Igor's father stands up and all eyes are on him. He starts some big speech but I can't understand any of it because its all in Russian but I know that it has something to do with my Dad, me and Igor because I heard all our names in it. 

All of a sudden everyone cheers and I feel two hands placed down on my shoulders so I can't move. 

"No, no, what are you doing!" I yell as a man comes forward with a hot metal rod that had been sitting in the fire 

Everyone in the room is looking at me and I know what is about to happen. Leo told me that people who work for or have been kidnapped by the Russian mafia get branded with the symbol of the Utkin family.

"Ahhhhhhh" I scream as the red hot rod is pushed into my skin on my forearm. 

Cheering and laughing erupts throughout the whole hall, I look down at my skin and start to cry. I wish I was stronger but these past couple of hours have been horrible and I just can't hold it together anymore. My skin feels as though it is still being burnt and the pain is unbearable.

Igor moves closer to me and whispers in my ear, "You'll learn to love it. Now go. I don't want to see you anymore" 

I get up from my chair and run out of the hall as fast as I can. I feel weak and pathetic. 

The same lady is waiting for me and when she sees me she just laughs and tells me to follow her back. 

I don't know how I'm going to do it but I know that I need to escape here with my friends and Lucas, the longer we stay here the more danger we are in.

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